Surprising facts about the human heart

Before humans knew anything about biology we knew the heart was essential to the human experience. Here are six facts about this amazing organ.

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#Science #health


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Good information. Sadly, I just lost my sister to heart failure. Throughout her illness her fiance' and I both learned so much thanks to her nurses and doctors about a woman's heart. Take care of your heart!!!
Jun 9, 2021 10:43PM
Patricia Bissoo
It's very educational,..I have an enlarged heart, and a heart murmor,..I don't know what that means for me..
Apr 9, 2022 8:11PM
Interesting to learn a couple new facts.
Nov 21, 2021 3:47AM
Leticia Olsen
💓Thanks for sharing. Very educational.
Aug 28, 2021 5:54PM
Annie Ho
always a plus information for me .
Jul 11, 2021 7:44PM
Cheryl McMeekin
Great info, didn't know that a man's heart was bigger than a woman's.
Jun 17, 2021 11:53AM
Caroline Weis
Mike Gilmore, I think that the blood gets filtered through the liver. I'm no doctor or scientist but I have seen some medical shows and think this information is pretty near the truth.
Jun 14, 2021 2:04PM
Lourdes Ayala
Only thing I did not know was that we are born with a fixed number of heart cells.
Jun 10, 2021 7:08PM
Mike Gilmore
No where have I ever read The heart filters blood
Jun 10, 2021 5:26PM
David Colloby
Just a topical comment Does the heart beat of a man or woman change and does the size increase or decrease should they have a sex change?
Jun 10, 2021 12:51AM
james parrillo, old wives tale! I said years ago! Way before there were scans and etc., Like they have now! Beside, it was a joke! Thank you, Helga, widow of Jim!
Jun 9, 2021 10:18PM
Satish Chandran
Even a minute heart muscle separated will start beating.
Jun 9, 2021 10:09PM
james parrillo
tbear, I never heard of this method of determining the sex of the preborn child. I wonder why scans are so necessary, if the doctors can tell so much without them. Thank you, Christine, James's wife
Jun 9, 2021 9:06PM
#6 Is the reason, years ago, they said when you were pregnant and they counted the baby's heartbeat, they could tell if it was a boy or a girl! They were right 50% of the time! 👍😊
Jun 9, 2021 5:41PM


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