Surprising facts about the human heart
Before humans knew anything about biology we knew the heart was essential to the human experience. Here are six facts about this amazing organ.
#1 The average heart beats millions of times per year, 115,000 times per day and 80 times per minute!

#2 The human heart creates so much energy in a day that you could use it to power a car for 20 miles.

#3 We are born with a fixed number of heart cells.
A baby heart will contain the same number of cells as an adult heart. But they’ll be less than one-fifteenth the size.

#4 The iconic heartbeat sound is actually caused by the four valves of our heart opening and closing as it filters and distributes blood.

#5 For Ancient Egyptians the heart was considered to be the key to the afterlife.
They also thought that the heart as well as other major organs could move about independently in the body.

#6 A woman’s heart is 25% smaller than a man’s and it pumps about 10% less blood in a heartbeat as a result.
This causes the average heart rate for women to be higher than that of a man by 8-10 beats.

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