5 everyday things that work completely differently in space
During their missions, astronauts have to spend months in space. Even there, they continue many everyday routines – let's find out how zero gravity affects things, processes and objects that are absolutely ordinary on Earth.
#1 Fire burns differently

On Earth, fire is affected by the flow of hot air it heats up, which gives candle flames their elongated shape. When there is no gravity, there is no such upward flow, so the fire stays spherical. The flames on the space station are weaker than on Earth, but they can last longer.
#2 Water boils in a bubble

In space, boiling water creates vapor bubbles just like it does on Earth, but they don't rise and move chaotically due to the absence of gravity. Instead, they join each other, forming a single large bubble.
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#3 Bacteria are more powerful

Bacterial colonies grow much faster in space, as, when not affected by gravity, they have more room to do it. They grow in "quality" as well – in space, bacteria enter the "survival mode" and become more deadly and resistant to antibiotics.
#4 How do astronauts sleep?

If not attached to something, sleeping astronauts would fly around the cabin and bump into things. To have a good sleep, they have to use special sleeping bags fastened to the walls.
#5 An astronaut can't enjoy a carbonated drink

Thanks to gravity, when we drink soda on Earth, liquid and gas separate in our stomach. Liquid goes down, and gas goes up, resulting in burps. Only "wet burps" are possible in space, which makes drinking carbonated drinks extremely uncomfortable – you literally have to vomit to get rid of extra gas.
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