Van Gogh's mystery - What is really depicted in his most famous painting?
For over a hundred years, people have been wondering about what is represented in the famous "The Starry Night". Is the mystery finally revealed? Let's find out!
Vincent van Gogh painted "The Starry night" in June 1889, a year before his death. This picture is considered to be not only one of the best works of the artist but also one of the most important works of Western painting.
In 2004, using the space telescope "Hubble", scientists observed the tourbillon of a cloud of dust and gas around a distant star, which reminded them of van Gogh's painting " "The Starry Night."
They began to study the light in the painting in detail and found a distinct model of fluid turbulence patterns. It turned out that when the famous Dutch painter was in a hospital in France he captured one of the most rare and elusive concepts in science - turbulence.
So what is turbulence?
Turbulence or turbulent flow is a concept in fluid dynamics where a flow of energy cascade spontaneously forms large tourbillons that generate smaller tourbillons, which, in their turn, generate even smaller ones. It is difficult to describe from the mathematical point of view but can be represented visually:
Over a hundred years ago, Van Gogh, being in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, somehow was able to realize and express one of the highly complex concepts that nature has presented to humanity - the greatest mystery of motion, flow and light combined together.
Learn more about this natural mystery and Van Gogh's art:
Are you interested in art? Have you ever thought about the meaning of this masterpiece? Do you think scientists have really found the answer? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
SHARE if you are surprised that this unique artist was able to capture and depict such rare and elusive concept!
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