12 workers in various fields showed us the other side of their jobs
Not every job is as attractive as it seems and not all jobs are as terrible as they seem. These people have shown us 12 flipside experiences that come with their jobs.
All jobs seem to have their necessary consequences which every worker has to suffer or enjoy as the case may be...
#1 A bar worker shows the amount of gum scraped from the untouched bottoms of the bar tables.
#2 What the hands of a jeweler look like several hours after polishing jewelries at the wheel.
#3 The picturesque view workers enjoy at a wind turbine tech in Sweden.
#4 See these beautiful workings of the machinery at the clock tower.
#5 The tedious amount of work done by the clean-up staff at movie theaters will make you rethink your eating habits there.
#6 Pilot shows the breathtaking views and mechanics that come with the job of travelling around the world.
#7 Name a ‘dirtier’ job than that of a cashier...
#8 Being a zookeeper isn’t all hard-work, you get to be surrounded by loving creatures.
#9 The amount of lost ID cards and credit cards found by bar keepers will shock you.
#10 Worker shows how beautiful his sawhorse looks after years of work.
#11 Some hotel customers make the maintenance guy’s job worth coming to everyday.
#12 There is a somewhat therapeutic feeling that comes with handling books everyday.
And what about you? Do you have anything unexpected to share with us about YOUR job? We're waiting for your comments!
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