4 little things guests hate when they visit your home
Guests are often too polite to tell us if something is wrong, especially when it's something awkward. Here are 4 common mistakes to avoid when your friends are visiting you.
#1 When it comes to food, ALWAYS give your guests choice!

Some people like coffee with cream, others like black tea with milk. Some don’t like any type of hot drinks. Most people think it’s rude to refuse or to ask for something specific. Go the extra mile and make sure they’re at ease.
#2 NEVER insist that your guests eat your food if they say they're full or seem to dislike it

People will find it hard to tell you that they don’t really like what you’re offering or that they can’t eat. Even though you might be proud of your gastronomical creations, don’t insist if you see that they’re hesitating or starting to decline.
#3 No one appreciates being asked to help when they're visiting. DO YOUR CHORES YOURSELF!

Imagine being a guest in someone’s home and being asked to lend a hand with the dishes. No matter how familiar you are with someone, it’s best to do your chores yourself.
#4 Don't lock away party favors – SHARE them with your guests when it's possible

If you receive a nice bottle of a wine or a sweet treat, the expectation is to share it with your guests. Putting it in the fridge to enjoy by yourself is bad manners and will definitely raise some eyebrows.
Did you find these pieces of advice useful? What are your personal dos and don'ts when you're having guests or visiting friends yourself? Let's discuss it in the comments!
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