6 handy facts about how airports work

Airports have their own rules and regulations that differ from one country to another. Ordinary travelers know not much about how the things work there. Let's learn some of their secrets!

Have you learnt something new? Do you know any other secrets about airplanes and their work? Share in comments!

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#Society #knowledge


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Learnt is not a word. The correct form is learned.
Apr 23, 2018 5:16PM
john duckett
senorad, Actually it is. Learnt is the past participle form of "learn.
Aug 17, 2024 8:51PM
Linalinda Eichin
Now I know would be useful when time comes for travelling return to normal ❣️🙏🇦🇺
May 20, 2020 5:56PM
Teresa Atwood
I am glad I don't fly. I quit flying years ago.
Feb 13, 2019 10:54AM
I learned that if I want a free trip to my native Kenya, I better have an expired Visa!
Dec 29, 2018 12:44AM
Linda Spreng
senorad, Check it out ... learnt is a word. More often used in the UK.
Sep 25, 2018 7:48PM
Linda Spreng
Interesting stuff.
Sep 25, 2018 7:45PM
Ron Brown
No doubt if your visa is expired you will be sent home, but you will be billed for that flight.
May 20, 2018 4:57PM
John Puza
Fly for free? Cool
May 6, 2018 8:17PM
I'm not leaving the USA...unless I'm with 20,000 other guys and we are armed to the teeth...
May 4, 2018 7:40AM
Barry Crews
Learned about deportation the hard way - overstayed my visa in Thailand and it cost me big time getting remedied, including a trip out of country to Myanmar to fix it!
Apr 22, 2018 12:47AM
hector tubens
Good info to know
Apr 17, 2018 1:49PM
Alireza Mohtashami
Thanks .I feel safer now when I travel .
Apr 17, 2018 5:44AM
Learned a few new things. 😊
Apr 16, 2018 6:08PM
Carl Rosignol
O k I guess
Apr 15, 2018 11:38AM


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