6 inspiring facts that prove there’s no reason to be sad
It's a well-known fact that optimism is good for our health. Besides, it helps us make tough choices in difficult situations. Let's check some inspiring facts that will make you more optimistic.
Optimists are not so affected by stress situations while pessimists are massively stressed. It's high time to get inspired and look at the world in a different way.
By the way, check our article to learn the most effective ways to reduce stress.
#1 Dogs can raise their eyebrows
Wolves and dogs have similar anatomy, however, wolves lack muscles that move the eyebrows. Thanks to evolution, dogs developed them to communicate with people.

#2 It's never too late to start
Some famous artists discovered their talents in adulthood. Some talented people were too shy and underestimate themselves but luckily for us, their remarkable works were noticed by the right people in the right place. Vincent van Gogh decided to become an artist when he was 27. Samuel L. Jackson got his first major role at 40. Louise Bourgeois became very successful in her seventies. These examples prove to us it is never late to believe in yourself and do what you like.

#3 Pillow fight is a real sporting event in Japan and Canada
The match is held in a fighting arena and lasts 5 minutes. Though it doesn't last too long, it's a really exciting experience.

#4 Eternal life is possible
Jellyfish and lobsters die only from an illness or in case they meet predators. Scientists can't use these fantastic abilities for people now, however, it gives a chance for eternal life, It's just a matter of time.

#5 Nobody Remembers Your Failures
All of us tend to be reflective and blame ourselves for deeds or behavior. If you can't stop dwelling on your mistakes, stop for a moment and realize that nobody remembers your failures. Maybe it's high time to forgive yourself for past mistakes and move on.

#6 Jupiter protects our planet from comets
The gravity of this giant planet pulls some of the comets and therefore saves the Earth from the fast-moving ice balls.

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