6 reasons to put your mobile aside right now

Some people feel OK talking face to face or can send a lot of messages. But when it comes to phone calls they get really nervous. What are the reasons?

Today our life is inseparable from mobile phones and it’s difficult to imagine a day without a phone call or a message. However, there are people who suffer from telephobia. They prefer texting to phone communications. Let's discover, why.

Do you prefer texting or calling? How do you treat modern technologies?

Share with your friends to free them from cell phone addiction!

#Society #health


What are your thoughts on this subject?
While I agree that texting is more private I prefer calling 📞 as it much easier talking 👄 than writing ✍️ especially if you have arthritis or carpal tunnel.
May 26, 2024 7:59AM
Elsy O. Stromberg
Don't like texting and don't do it.
Oct 29, 2022 2:34PM
Tom A
I may be old school, but I was extremely disappointed that I received only text messages from my kids for Father's Day. Father's Day is a day when we should have a voice on the phone.
Jul 15, 2022 5:02PM
Steve Tingle
Hated it when my parents got their first phone (dial less you had to ask the operator for the number) later in life hated the interruptions they made in my life, When I first came across email i took to them instantly, I could think of my questions/answers in advance. Then I started getting scam calls and was scammed a lot of times because I believed the callers, now with advanced technology I can weed out the scammers without answering them and feel a lot safer. If people want to contact me they can send an email or text and if it is important I will get back to them, by phone if necessary - people I know have begun to learn, text for urgency, email for longer questions, and I can answer messages in my own time. My problem is that I can't be rude when talking to people and the scammers are adept at making me feel that NO is rude.
Jun 6, 2022 7:45PM
Doris Dallaire
Talking is much better as texts and written emails can be taken the wrong way. There’s no intonation of the voice, there’s often spell check that interferes, and most texts are very brief, cannot express everything.
Jan 12, 2022 6:35PM
Emil Trial
I prefer calling. iI only te4xt if absolutely forced to.
Dec 20, 2021 9:07PM
vasily tchaikovsky
I do not have cell phone and feel good,do not need it
Oct 16, 2021 7:32PM
Julie Domaille
I feel hounded, it bleeps incessantly. Oh for the days when I unplugged the phone and read a book
Sep 25, 2021 3:51PM
I even do not have a cell phone, prefer talk face to face when we have a meeting
May 21, 2020 7:57PM
Cheryl McMeekin
I feel the same way silentangel....
Mar 20, 2020 11:50PM
Diane Thompson
purplewulf (Theda), I believe it is (in South Africa). I just don't think enough "watching" gets done to catch them out.
Nov 9, 2019 6:40AM
Nayla Toon
I go with the flow ...
Oct 27, 2019 4:28AM
Susan Golebiewski
I enjoy both talking on the phone & texting. For me texting takes too long & things can be misunderstood.
Sep 30, 2019 4:53PM
Ian Swindale
I'm a technical Luddite and I hate these modern phones. The only reason I have one is to speak to my daughter who lives thousands of miles from where I am.
Aug 12, 2019 2:39PM
Linda Carr
I will not talk on the phone while driving , but I do like to talk rather than text... I want to hear a voice... It may be the last time you ever get to hear a person speak before they pass on or before your on demise....
May 26, 2019 7:21PM


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