7 kids' mischiefs not even an angel could handle

Our children make us laugh the hardest. They also posses a special ability of scaring the heck out of us. These 7 pictures will make you feel the full range of emotions.

We are of the opinion that it is fun to raise kids, how much worse can it be?

Tell us about the weirdest you or your children did as kids in the comments below!

More fun things to do on QuizzClub:

SHARE this article with your friends who have kids – they'll understand!

#Society #funny


What are your thoughts on this subject?
The only problem with kids is they grow up and turn into people.
Apr 12, 2021 12:34AM
Shelley Durocher
😀 Kids are kids. I grew up in the middle of nowhere, and we were climbing, jumping, dangerous activities maniacs. And I'm 60ish, so much of my childhood was unsupervised country shenanigans. I was just saying to someone yesterday that I'm sometimes amazed us country kids made it to adulthood!
Apr 18, 2024 6:30PM
David Roy
I really wish they would use images from a less offensively named site.
May 22, 2023 6:37PM
Shirley Ortega
My children were all climbers back then. Yikes. They had me on point all the time. Missing those moments. Sigh.
Apr 16, 2021 3:39PM
#5 reminds me uncomfortably of the time when I (as a grown woman!) had a large size packet of frozen peas split open at the checkout. Boy, did they get to every corner of the store!
Apr 16, 2021 6:49AM
Linda Stegall
#7 looks like something my great-grandson would do.
Apr 12, 2021 4:45PM
When the kid across the street was about two or three he would climb up on the 5 ft. pillars on each side of the driveway, using the chain link fence to do it. He never fell, but it drove his parents crazy. I sometimes wonder if he became a mountain climber! :)
Apr 12, 2021 12:42AM
bina sarmah
In very heavy rainy day, my neighbor car doors were wide open, I saw from my window and called them. My neighbor answer was "my D***** kids."
Apr 11, 2021 9:36PM


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