8 unexpected things people woke up to

Have you ever woken up to something that made you laugh or shocked you? Here are 8 funniest and most adorable things people woke up to.

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#Society #funny


What are your thoughts on this subject?
The tortoise in the fridge is hilarious.
Jul 3, 2021 4:21PM
Valerie Hogan
Laughed at the baby with the cat 😂
Jul 4, 2021 6:55AM
Loved the tortoise. Sent it to a client of mine who has two of them.
Oct 21, 2022 5:25PM
The dog and the bed.
Sep 19, 2022 8:21AM
Carol Sue Gesacion
I love the first dog that just wanted to touch his master. So sweet.
Jun 1, 2022 6:29PM
Linda Drayer
As my mother would have said funny , funny, funny!
Jul 19, 2021 12:22PM
Loved #4. I'm a cat person and have had this happen!!!
Jul 11, 2021 10:02AM
Jim Mascair
Aerosmith would be unique to wake up to. I have a guitar signed by the band members.
Jul 8, 2021 9:50PM
james parrillo
Chris Robinson, I am glad she inquired. "They" say that when one person voices a question, many more also wonder the same. Thank you, Christine, James's wife
Jul 4, 2021 5:31PM
Joy Holbrook
Why would anyone have a pet tortoise lumbering around the house? Especially one that size? Just why?
Jul 4, 2021 4:58PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
The cat in #4 is pretty funny. Re. #1 let the poor dog sleep on the bed! And re. Aerosmith- if you like them, great for you; if you don't, horrible getting woken up like that.
Jul 4, 2021 2:09PM
Poor puppy just wants to be closer to those who love him...and isn't that a crab in #8...?
Jul 4, 2021 11:13AM
The sweetest one to me, had to be the pup just with its head and front paws on the top of the bed! Almost looks like it's praying for someone to get up and feed him! So sweet! 😊🙏
Jul 4, 2021 7:05AM
Leticia Olsen
😍I love all the pictures! Very awakening but knock, knock, who’s there?? Argh!!….#8 TARANTULA!!🦀🕷😬
Jul 4, 2021 5:47AM
Jerry Edwards
james parrillo, The clarification is for the benefit of Bonnie, below.
Jul 4, 2021 3:41AM
Jacqui Halvorson
Toddler with the cat!! So cute!!😊
Jul 4, 2021 2:47AM


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