5 common types of smartphone/computer injuries – learn how to avoid them
Overuse of the devices we love so much sometimes can lead to health damages. Here are 5 common computer/smartphone injuries and how to avoid them.
Many of us are unaware of those little things we do that have detrimental effects on our health. Some of these things are unknown to us and caused by the wrong usage of modern technology...
#1 Smartphone pinky
This is a common condition caused by holding your phone in a position for a long period of time. When a person has the condition known as smartphone pinky, their pinky finger gets a little strangely crooked.
Although smartphone pinky is not a serious nor permanent condition, it should not be ignored because it could lead to several other serious injuries if not paid attention to. Smartphone pinky can be avoided by regular stretching and exercising of the fingers
#2 Cubital tunnel syndrome commonly known as “text claw”

CTS or text claw is characterized by dull muscle aches and finger cramps. It is also caused by using your phone for a long period of time.
To ensure you are not affected by text claws, regular stretching, switching positions while texting and using devices such a headphones and others for long calls have been recommended.
#3 The texting thumb condition

This condition is mostly common to people who use small phones. When there’s an ache around the knuckles or a “clicking sensation”, then you have the texting thumb. The ache is caused by the inflammation of the tendon in the thumb.
To avoid getting the texting thumb, you should endeavor not to hold your phone in a straight position for too long and tension should be released from your pinky from time to time while using your phone
#4 Computer vision syndrome

This syndrome is particular to those whose jobs require them to spend long hours staring at a digital screen. Symptoms of CVS include eye strain, headache, dry eyes and blurred vision, all of which are caused by using computers or phones for long hours.
There are special lenses for glasses or contact lenses which protect the eye and prevent you from getting CVS, but the best way to avoid it is to take regular breaks and walk outside without looking at screens as often as possible.
#5 Text neck or iPosture

iPosture or text neck is the hunched posture we make when using computers or our phones. This unhealthy position very often leads to severe neck aches and weak muscles.
The best way to ensure you don’t get these symptoms by regulating our sitting positions when we use our computers. The recommended position is to sit with a straight back with your computer at eye level while stretching occasionally.
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