How true is the saying "The smarter you get the less you speak"?
First, let’s get an obvious psychological fact out of the way: there is no correlation between extroversion and intelligence (IQ). Extroverted people are gregarious and assertive, which makes them talk more in many situations. This does not mean that they are any less intelligent than someone who is quiet and introverted. And when most people say “smart,” they are referring to intelligence.
However, there is no relationship between intelligence and wisdom. Many intelligent people become arrogant about their intellect and look down on those they deem to be intellectually inferior, which makes them less humble and less wise.
The saying "The smarter you get the less you speak" is better expressed as “The wiser you get the more you listen,” which happens to be true. Wise people are aware of their own ignorance, the complexity of issues, and the need for nuanced views, so they spend less time explaining what they know and more time humbly listening in order to learn what they don’t know.
However, listening more doesn’t necessarily mean talking less. Someone who asks you a lot of questions and responds to what you’re saying is listening to you a lot more than someone who is quiet because they’re not paying attention.
In summary: "The smarter you get the less you speak": false. “The wiser you get the more you listen”: true. Intelligence is a poor indicator of wisdom, and how much you speak is a poor indicator of how much you listen.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
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