What is a fun psychological trick to try on someone?
Ask the other person to say “WHITE” ten times really fast!
What does a cow drink?
Most people will associate white with milk and use that as the answer… but don’t cows drink water?
This trick can also be done with “Top” and the question “What do you do at a green light?”, as people will answer “Stop” instead of “Go”.
Or with “FOLK” and “What is the white part of an egg called?”… It sure isn’t “Yolk”, that’s the yellow.
For a trick that actually has some impact other than being funny you can try to use The Benjamin Franklin Effect or The Stalker Effect
It’s said that Benjamin Franklin made people love him by simply asking them for small favors.
Currently also known as the “Foot-in-the-Door” Technique, this technique relies on you asking a small favor the other person won’t say “no” to; such as:
- Can you smile for me?
- May I borrow a pen?
- Could I have your book for just 1 minute?
Every small favor you ask makes them more and more inclined to agree to something bigger in return, plus it makes them more connected to you because they connect “Friendship” to “Helping”.
In essence, this trick uses the Cow Trick explained above in just a slightly different way by using different associations our minds have.
To know if someone is stalking you simply look intently at your watch and then nod your head in agreement.
If they also look at their watch that means they were probably watching you.
You can do the same with yawning or looking up at the sky and nodding should you not have a watch.
Although this trick is used to identify your own stalkers, it can also be used to identify people interested in you.
People interested in you or that respect you tend to look at you more often; use this trick if you want to know but don’t want to call them out on it.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
Will you try any of these tricks? Do you find them fun or useful?
#Society #IQ #psychology #Quora
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