Why do some people behave as though they are experts in everything?
You probably think you’re about a 7 out of 10. You’re not alone.
Most people do.
It doesn’t matter whether that 7 signifies their looks or one of their abilities (like humility.)
73% of Americans think they’re better at driving than the average driver.
70% of students estimate their leadership-abilities to be above the median.
Their ability to get on well with others was rated even higher at 85%.
25% thought they were in the top 1%
It’s hard to admit that we lack ability. This can become especially prevalent concerning topics that are participated in by the general public. Only the most delusional would think that they can perform surgery better than a surgeon, yet a lot of people don’t hesitate to think they know best when it comes to topics such as nutrition, philosophy, driving a car or the real hot potato - politics.
No, Elon Musk probably shouldn’t take your advice on Twitter.
In 1983, David Dunning and Justin Krueger evaluated the test scores of students.
After the students where done with a test, they were asked how well they thought it went. Based on the test-results, they then divided the students into four groups:
- The Bottom 25%
- The lower-than-average 25–50%
- The higher-than-average 50–75%
- The Top 25%
So how did their estimated competence compare to the real thing?
The students in the bottom quartile greatly overrated their own abilities and subsequent results. The smarter the student, the weaker the effect became.
The top students even underestimated themselves.
These results are not one of a kind.
The ones being outperformed, wether those are students and their ability to think logically, hunters and their knowledge of firearms or medical students and their patient-interviewing skills, they all think they’re outperforming everybody else.
As a Personal Trainer, this is something I come across every day.
Everybody trains and eats so they conclude that they possess vast knowledge and expertise when it comes to exercise and nutrition.
Heck, I can remember when I did. (Thankfully, I didn’t post anything on social media back then, so my arrogance was mostly relegated to annoying my friends and family.)
I don’t know why the Dunning-Krueger effect exists.
I just know that it does.
It should function as a constant reminder that if you feel like you know something, you most probably don’t.
Because if you feel really smart or knowledgeable you’re probably not.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
Do you know anyone who behaves like an expert in everything when in fact he or she knows little or nothing?
#Society #IQ #psychology #Quora
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