10 ways to look 10 years younger naturally

Have you ever thought about things that make you look older? Sometimes we get used to these things that don’t even notice them. If you are interested in natural anti-aging hacks, keep reading the article!

We won’t talk about plastic surgeries, this article is all about natural ways to look 10 years younger. These tips are so simple that you can easily use them in your daily routine. By the way, don’t forget about QuizzClub’s free tests, for example, you can learn your mental age and personality type.

Do you think these anti-aging tips are useful? Have you got your tips to look younger? Share your thoughts in the comments below. By the way, do you like reading? This online quiz can reveal your psychological age based on the books you’ve read.

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
David Ching
I'm well into my 70's, but a lot feel that I'm in late 50's or 60's due to sleep, nutrition, exercise, dress and posture. I don't like taking pills so supplements are out, but genes count for a lot.
Mar 7, 2020 6:56AM
Roger Booth
I wish that I could get enough sleep but with arthritis it stops me getting enough
Sep 11, 2022 5:19PM
Mps Reen
Nice suggestions. Looking and remaining young is a lot around posture and skin. The best way that makes you feel, look and remain much younger than your age is the practice of about 30-35 exercises for 45mins to 1hr of yoga everyday. The basic fundamentals revolved around your spine. You are as young as your spine is straight. Yes, remaining hydrated is additional. So find a good yoga teacher, which is hard to come by, to learn and understand the basics. Then buy the book "Light on Yoga" by B.K. Iyengar and follow it to the minutest punctuation.
Aug 24, 2022 2:22AM
Doris Dallaire
Lenora, I do those things too except the hair colour and I too get told I look younger than my 77 years. I also keep up to date with what’s going on in the world, try new things, try to stay aware of new technology and so I don’t have an “old” attitude. And I have used moisturizer since my teens, it was my mom’s advice.
Jul 11, 2020 4:43PM
Lenora Arter
I do all these things (although the massages are more sporadic than regular) and I am frequently told I look a good deal younger than I am. I would add one thing: moisturizer. Your whole body, not just your face.
Jul 6, 2020 11:10AM
andrew anna
Good advice.
Mar 13, 2020 10:08PM
U r right
Mar 7, 2020 10:33PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
You forgot to mention that you have to exercise ; or I am wrong ;
Mar 7, 2020 10:16PM
Yes all of it sounded great but I have alot of stress and I don't feel good and my sleep is hard I have alot of sleepless nights
Mar 7, 2020 4:46PM
If your career is important to you, then you should make the CAREER section on ALL ACCESS your job to read weekly. Inside the section, you'll find: * Consultant Tips: Some of the top …... HARE>> www.career31.com
Mar 7, 2020 5:36AM
Joy Holbrook
I drink lots of water, eat four serves of fruit a day and had the good sense to inherit great genes. At a recent family funeral, a relative I haven’t seen for eight years screamed at me saying I haven’t aged since she’s seen me. Another attendee refused to believe that I was my age until she saw my driver’s license. She refused to believe I was a day past 60. I’m 74. I hated looking younger than I was when I was a teenager but I’m not complaining now!
Mar 7, 2020 2:34AM
carole winslow
I have done most of these my entire life. Seems to have worked as people typically think I am 10-15 years younger than my actual age.
Mar 6, 2020 4:57PM


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