12 reasons that cause your insomnia
50% of the population suffers from insomnia. Whether it’s from stress or discomfort, if you find it difficult to sleep, then you know dealing with insomnia is the worst.
So you say you don’t sleep well and you don’t know why, because you feel good and do all the right things in your life to get a decent night’s sleep. However, even the smallest thing can cause your insomnia. Here are 12 common reasons you’re not sleeping well.
#1 High Temperature

When it comes to the temperature in your room, it should be cool. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the optimal temperature range for sleeping is somewhere between 60° — 67° Fahrenheit (15.5°C — 19.5°C).
#2 Doing exercises late

The reason you should do this is that exercise both raises your core body temperature and places a mild amount of stress on your central nervous system. These things can make it a little more difficult to get to sleep.
#3 Lack of a normal schedule

We can’t train ourselves to sleep but we can train our brain to know when to sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up around thу same time each day.
#4 Too Much Lighting

Once the sun goes down, you go inside and keep looking at all these screens. They keep throwing tons of light in your face all night and screw up your sleep cycle. If your room isn’t dark enough, use a sleep mask.
#5 Noise

Sounds can trigger alertness. That’s why you should use earplugs to help cut out that extra stimuli.
#6 Bed Used for Wrong Purposes

If you’re trying to create associations for your brain to trigger that sleep response, use your bed only for sleeping. Youк brain shouldn’t associate your bed with watching TV, eating or working on your laptop.
#7 Drinking Too Much Coffee

Get your coffee fix before lunch, because caffeine has a half-life of six hours, meaning it can take up to 12 hours for it to be fully eliminated out of your system. Coffee also makes you want to pee.
#8 Making Yourself to Sleep

If after 15 minutes of tossing and turning, you’re unable to fall asleep, get out of your bed and do something relaxing. Then try and go back to sleep after 15 minutes.
#9 Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol abuse can lead to a number of physical and psychological changes that can rapidly worsen the sleep-wake cycle and lead to dependence.
#10 Too Much Thinking

Do you just keep thinking about what you need to do tomorrow? Or is your work stress keeping you up all night? The best thing to turn off your mind is to pen it down. Writing down all your thoughts and planning your day beforehand will keep you from worrying about it.
#11 Absence of Habits

You can create your own rituals to fall asleep faster. For example, you can take a warm shower to relax before sleep. However, taking a hot bath is not recommended.
#12 Bad Sleep Position

You should choose the most comfortable sleep position for you. Discomfort may cause a lack of rest.
Do you sleep well at night? What tips do you have for better sleep? Share them in the comments below!
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