The secrets of aging: the most fascinating facts about why and how we're getting old

Aging is a really complex process. For some people it's growing up, while for others it is already growing old. But what does aging truly mean? It's time to find out!


Do you believe anyone can ever accomplish living beyond the age of 122? What do you think about aging? Do you know any other interesting facts about it?

Tell us in the comments!

SHARE if you learned a little more about the process created by mother nature itself!



What are your thoughts on this subject?
Nina Kamwene
Nina Kamwene
It is about quality of life not quantity. All healing comes from the mind. the body is just like a car with 4 tires: physical-emotional-mental and spiritual. Balance our 'tires' and experience a healthy life, genetics supporting us.
Jan 11, 2017 8:58AM
bina sarmah
Don't belief that they are going to give one million, they will be alive to give way money.
Feb 15, 2022 7:40PM
Wayne Roberts
Siegfried Proslmeyr, Totally agree, giving God a male gender is proof of god being invented by man for control over others.
Nov 27, 2021 7:04PM
This is world is already over crowded. If nobody died we'd have no room on this planet.
Sep 8, 2020 2:04AM
Siegfried Proslmeyr
Darlene Adair, you can hide from the truth as long as you want, and kid yourself as much as you want believing there is someone saving your soul. All religions have been created by man, not woman, to control people, explain the unexplainable and alleviate the fear of death, nothing more, once we die we will be gone forever, just as we were before we were born.
Jan 18, 2020 7:29PM
Phyllis van der Westhuizen
I think we grow old to lack of Hormones that diminish the older we get.
May 27, 2019 6:47PM
Marie Gittleson
Ilana W Haley, I'll be 88yrs in Aug & all is well & I do believe age is just a number---I like that old saying "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are"
May 13, 2019 5:01PM
Marie Gittleson
Karla Crary, you must be kidding!!!???
May 13, 2019 4:51PM
Marie Gittleson
This is nothing more than a sneaky product pitch---QuizzClub you have Disrepected the players ShameShame QuizzClub!!w
May 13, 2019 4:47PM
Peter VandeMotter
Sounds like snake oil. But it turns out one of the charlatans selling snake oil over 100 years ago got in trouble for selling "snake oil" that did not actually contain that substance.
Jan 29, 2019 9:20AM
Karla Crary
Very interesting as well as educational!!
Jan 7, 2018 5:07PM
Johnny Rock
Kerem Oner, bullshit.
Nov 21, 2017 2:29PM
Nancy Johnson McGlinchey
If you live to age 122, the person who offered the money will probably be dead, unless he was very young when he offered it and you were already old.
Oct 25, 2017 3:58PM
Wendy Barnes
Mind not mine Paula Graham,
Oct 15, 2017 6:06PM
Dorothy Sawyer
mine? or mind ? Paula Graham,
Jul 15, 2017 5:17PM
George Marla Jenkins
Good for You!!!'Ilana W Haley,
Jul 10, 2017 5:37PM


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