10 weird behaviors displayed by pets when their owners weren’t watching 11/20/2020

Let’s face it, even though our pets are the cutest and most adorable animals we have, there’s no denying they’re pros when it comes to pulling off naughty tricks when left alone. If you think you’ve had your fair share of pet jiggery-pokery, wait until you meet the prodigal Poodle who returns home with a haircut.

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#animals #funny #Nature


Pikas – cute animals that will melt your heart (7 adorable pictures) 11/17/2020

These lovely tiny animals live high in the mountains and don't love the heat. If you've never heard about pikas, you just need to see these cute pictures and learn some basic facts about them.

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#animals #Nature

5 animals that love eating with company – just like we do 11/15/2020

As it turns out, we are not the only species to enjoy eating together. Let's find out what reasons different animals have to gather in groups for a meal.

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#animals #Nature

This Borzoi dog has the longest and funniest nose ever 11/10/2020

Thanks to her adorable snout, warm personality and contagious smile, Eris the Borzoi from Virginia has become a successful Instagram influencer. Let's enjoy her pictures and catch some good vibes!

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#animals #Nature

6 stunning animals without eyes 11/9/2020

It is hard to believe that there are living creatures who don't need eyes. However, it is true. Let's see these eyeless animals with our own eyes!

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#animals #knowledge #Nature

Maine Coon cats – majestic pictures and 5 fun facts 10/25/2020

If you're a cat lover, you'll definitely enjoy these Maine Coon pictures, as well as 5 short fun facts about these gorgeous giants.

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#animals #Nature

Top 10 most beautiful fish species in the world 10/24/2020

The world ocean hides some of the most magnificent living creatures, and the pictures of these 10 bizarre fish species can prove it. Basic facts about them included!

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#animals #Nature

6 unbelievable facts about crows 10/18/2020

Crows have a bad reputation and are often associated with bad omen. However, these birds are very clever and their natural ingenuity is really striking. Let's admire it together!

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#animals #knowledge

10 adorable bird species that look like cartoon characters 10/12/2020

I bet you didn't even know some of these bird species existed. Let's take a look at the most hilarious pictures of them and learn some basic facts about these funny winged creatures.

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#animals #Nature

These 10 mythical creatures actually existed 10/6/2020

Being a person who is into sci-fi and fantasy, I’ve come across some pretty curious creatures but I always figured that they were just the product of some writer’s imagination. Well, I was wrong. Are you interested? Keep reading!

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#Culture #History #animals #photography #Nature


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