5 facts you may have not known about gorgeous Lesley Gore 9/20/2017
Lesley Sue Gore was an American pop-musician, a shining star for millions of fans all over the world. We provided some interesting facts from her biography to get acquainted with. A couple of her fascinating songs are attached. Check it out!
#Society #celebs #music #inspiration
Rare historical pictures of famous people you haven't seen before
Laslo Bako
Strangers or friends? These amazing and rare historical pictures will show you famous people from the different side. Enjoy!
The Beatles forever - facts you didn't know about the greatest band 6/2/2017
The Beatles forever! I have prepared a list of facts about one of the greatest music bands of our time. Bet you didn't know them!
Try to recognize them - 17 rarest photos of famous people
17 marvelous rare photos of famous people that you've hardly seen before. Watch and enjoy!
Before the fame - unbelievable first jobs of well-known people
Ann Lewis
These people weren't born famous. They had to fight for their place in the sun. QuizzClub team will tell you where these well-known people worked before they became popular.
The biggest enemies - Bette Davis vs. Joan Crawford
Barb Lenn
The most interesting details of a lifelong feud of two strong and talented women who never gave up.
Surprising facts about the legend of our generation Prince Rogers Nelson 4/21/2017
Prince Rogers Nelson can be called a man of all talents. A year ago we lost this cultural icon...
Do you remember: 7 greatest actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age
Ann Lewis
Old Hollywood's favorite actresses are considered iconic for different reasons. Their amazing charisma and beauty captivated millions, their characters were fierce and independent. Let's remember the stunning ladies who really ruled the screen during the Golden Age of Hollywood.
7 little-known facts about Oscar Wilde, an Irish literary legend
He wrote beautiful prose, satirical plays and broke a lot of social taboos. Here are 7 interesting facts about Oscar Wilde and his remarkable life.
#History #Personality #celebs #literature
7 little-known facts about Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC 10/17/2016
His face is known worldwide today, his fried chicken recipe is loved by millions of people, his empire is the second largest restaurant chain in the world. But did you know these 7 surprising facts about Colonel Harland Sanders?