Shocking facts about ancient civilizations of the world
We will never find out what exactly life was like hundreds and thousands years ago. Still, there are some known facts about ancient civilizations – and most of them are absolutely mind-blowing.
#1 Many deadly weapons were invented in Ancient China

One of them is the crossbow. A bronze crossbow trigger mechanism, dating back to 650 BC, was found near Qufu, a city in East China.
#2 The Mayas killed their tribesmen for losing a ball game

The Mayan Ball Game was more than just a competition – it was one of the most important spiritual rituals. The goal of the game was to shoot the ball through a ring without touching it with your hands. The rings were installed at a very high level, so it was incredibly hard to play. The winners were treated like heroes, while losers were often sacrificed.
If you find the Mayan culture fascinating, learn more about it in this article.
#3 Ancient Egyptian civilization existed for more than 3,000 years

The history of Ancient Egypt began as early as 3150 BC and existed as an independent and powerful civilization until 30 BC, when Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire. In the course of its 3000-year history, Ancient Egypt saw several stable periods separated by short periods of instability, but it was always self-sufficient.
#4 In Ancient Greece, there was no word for "religion"

Ancient Greeks didn't separate state, church and their everyday life. Their gods were an integral part of their existence – they just didn't think of any other way to live.
#5 No one knows why the Indus Valley civilization collapsed

The Indus Valley civilization existed from 3300 BC to 1300 BC in the northwestern regions of South Asia. In around 1700 BC, people started abandoning their cities, and the whole civilization disappeared in the course of next centuries. Some suggest that it happened due to a massive drought, while other possible reasons include deforestation, tuberculosis and an Aryan invasion.
#6 Ancient Romans used to fill the Colosseum with water to stage naval battles

The Romans really knew how to have fun: they invested a lot of time and used all their knowledge in engineering to make such events possible.
Did these facts about ancient civilizations surprise you? Do you know any other interesting facts about the most ancient civilizations in history?
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