8 craziest laws in the world
Recently I’ve been thinking about doing some more traveling, but part of doing traveling to other countries is doing research to be aware of the laws of the country you’re going to. So I came across various laws that are crazy!
#1 Yellow margarine is illegal in Missouri

This antiquated law from the 19th century somehow has survived until today. Nobody really knows why this law exists. They think that it could have something to do with protecting butter-making farmers way back in the day, but regardless, it could land you a half a year in jail today.
#2 You can legally marry the dead in France
In France, you can legally marry a dead person, as long as you were engaged to them before they died. This one is just all kinds of wrong, like, who would ever actually go through with this?
#3 Driving a dirty car is illegal in Russia
In Moscow, it is illegal to drive a dirty car. Just how dirty is not defined but not being able to see the license plate or the driver will definitely get you a ticket. By the way, take a look at some roads in Russia.
#4 Tibetan monks need permission to reincarnate

A law created by the Chinese government in 2007 requires that Tibetan monks ask permission from the Chinese government before reincarnating. I know that China can be a pretty strict place sometimes, but how do they plan on policing this?
#5 No potato hoarding law in Australia
If you live in Western Australia, be careful about how many potatoes you have in your possession because you could literally be breaking the law. In Western Australia, it is illegal to possess more than 50 kg of potatoes. This antiquated law was a product of regulation for food during the Great Depression and post-war period.
#6 No idiots can vote in New Mexico
The best thing about a democracy is the freedom that everyone has to vote, for anyone or anything. Well, the state of New Mexico decided to do something about that. They decided that idiots cannot vote. Literally. According to the New Mexico constitution, everyone over 21 who lives in New Mexico can vote except idiots and insane persons, and persons convicted of a felanous or infamous crime.
#7 Unjust Vexation in the Philippines
If you tend to stress people out or make them anxious, don’t go to the Philippines. A provision was put into the Philippines revised penal code declaring that unjust vexation is against the law in that country. Fines for doing so range from 5 to 200 pesos and in some cases — jail time.

Unfortunately, for anyone who finds themselves annoying someone, there’s no clear definition for this law. This means that anyone who claims that they’ve been vexed could have the law on their side for a lawsuit.
#8 Forgetting your wife’s birthday in Samoa
Most married individuals will probably agree that no matter what country you happen to live in, forgetting your significant other’s birthday will cause severe punishment. But in the country of Samoa, doing so is actually illegal. There’s a very real law that states that if a man forgets his wife’s birthday. He's unwittingly committing a crime. There doesn’t seem to be a law regarding women forgetting their husband’s birthday though.
I want to know from you in the comments, are there any crazy laws around the world that I may have missed? Leave a comment below and let me know exactly what they are, and which country they are from because I want to know just how weird this world gets :)
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