The most private place on the Earth has been found

Have you ever dreamed of staying absolutely alone for a couple of hours or days in a calm cozy place? Such land exists on our Earth!

The Kerguelen Islands can be called the most private place on the Earth, because they are located in the middle of nowhere and it takes a great amount of effort and time to get there.

What do you think about this land? Do you want to go to these Islands? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Lorna Lake
It all sounds very 'romantic' and generally light-hearted but the reality is not quite like that! There seems to be no mention of the word Antarctic which is a strange omission! Soon after their discovery, the archipelago was regularly visited by whalers and sealers (mostly British, American and Norwegian) who hunted the resident populations of whales and seals to the point of near extinction, including fur seals in the 18th century and elephant seals in the 19th century. . Since the end of the whaling and sealing era, most of the islands' species have been able to increase their population again.
Jul 29, 2019 9:07PM
Peggy Layton
I don't really need to go to that island. I am 97 ,live alone , love it and have many many hours on my own ,the peace is divine ,it keeps me sane .I'm surrounded by a lovely garden with lots of wildlife,a piano to play and my dearest daughter is not far away if I need her .Why shouldn't I be contented and so thankful .
Jun 29, 2022 4:30PM
Mary Trangas Roberts
There is an island a little more tropical that you can tend a light house for awhile. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve heard about this opportunity so I don’t know if it’s still available. It’s on Logger Head Key, just off of Ft Jefferson in the Florida Keys.
Apr 11, 2024 1:39PM
Anita Clark Morton
Not for me. And how can you have 6 nights there on your own, if the ship only comes by once every 3 months??
Mar 11, 2024 5:23PM
Jim Keeton
I don't want to go!
Feb 19, 2024 3:20PM
David Smith
Don't know how I feel as photos didn't load.
Dec 5, 2023 6:55PM
Connie Siffring
Who proof read this? The grammer is terrible!
Oct 25, 2023 6:44PM
It doesn't sound too perfect to me.
Jun 26, 2023 10:35AM
Jon Woolery
A German surface raider stopped there for a few days in WWII, for the crew to replenish its water supply. They accomplished the task in an inlet just offshore, by connecting and laying hose lines up a creek and let water run into it. Gravity directed the water to the hose's other end, in the ship.
Sep 12, 2022 6:27PM
Joe Mangan
Iancompat, we are all foreigners at some time or another, unless we live by the dictum that travel is in grave danger of broadening the mind.
Mar 8, 2022 7:34PM
Deena Grady
Does not sound like an ideal place to me. These islands, appear from pictures and a very informative comment below, should be a sanctuary and breeding area for wildlife and scientific study. My personal view, keep settlers/potential settlers away and don't encourage adventure prone tourists. Some places on earth should be kept untouched as possible by humans.
Sep 29, 2021 4:47PM
Brent Chambers
The German auxiliary cruiser "Atlantis" stopped there in WWII for fresh water & ship maintenance. Sounded like a rather bleak place
Sep 23, 2021 4:48PM
Peter Blackmore
Bit like Australian quarrantine. Only it takes longer to get to Australia. It seems Citizens are no longer welcome.
May 30, 2021 5:36PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
I am Not a loner Not for me I pas
Feb 20, 2021 6:35PM
Patti Smith
Doesn’t sound too interesting. Not that great of weather & windy all the time? It would be boring.
Feb 19, 2020 4:31PM
Pam Tyler
I'd have to have one other companion.
Jan 31, 2020 8:35AM


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