5 most dangerous health mistakes you should avoid
The more we know about health and science, the more mistakes we can make. Pay attention to these 5 things if you want to care about your health the right way.

According to a study at the University of Maastricht, people who exercise regularly even spend less calories during the week than those who are just generally active (walking, cycling, strenuous work, etc.).
Gym-goers believe they've done their best while exercising and subconsciously move less. Don't give up exercise, but remember that it doesn't make couch-potato lifestyle safe for you.


Solution? Just have a bottle of water with you all the time, and once you feel hungry, drink some water first. You will be surprised at how often you actually feel thirsty and don't realize that.

Most of these bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE, which is safe only for one-time use. If you refill such a bottle without cleaning it, potentially carcinogenic substances leaching out from plastic may get into your water, let alone dangerous bacteria.
So what reusable bottles are safe? The safest choices are stainless steel, aluminium and glass bottles. If you want to buy a plastic reusable bottle, choose wisely: it should be made of a safe type of plastic (these are usually numbers 2, 4 and 5).

Moreover, if you often use your cellphone, it's already one of the dirtiest things you touch during the day. And touching it after coughing into your hands makes it worse.
The best way to avoid carrying bacteria on your hands is using a tissue. If you don't have one at the moment, sneeze or cough into your elbow, not hand. Never hold back a sneeze! This may end in the rupture of the back of your throat and problems with ears and eyes.
Was this information new for you? Are you going to follow any of these rules?
Tell us in the comments and share your health tips with us!
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