5 reasons why you need to have a good cry
In this post, we're talking about 5 amazing health benefits of crying. Tears are so beneficial they can even ease physical pain! So keep reading and enjoy.
A lot of people see crying as something bad. Oftentimes, when people cry, you hear remarks like "Why are you now crying?" and "Don't be such a baby about it."
They make it seem like babies have the monopoly on crying. Let's prove them wrong.
#1 It restores emotional balance

Researchers say that crying can help you recover from emotional pain and restore your emotional balance. When you cry from a strong emotion like happiness or hurt, it helps your body recover from strong emotions.
These theory still needs further research, but it is believed that emotional tears contain stress hormones and toxins and they are flushed out from crying.
#2 It relieves pain

Crying releases endorphins and oxytocin which help people feel good. When you cry, these hormones help you deal with emotional and even physical pain. So when your body hurts and it makes you wanna cry, it's unhealthy to hold your tears!
#3 It improves your vision

Every day, as we go about our daily activities, our eyes are exposed to dirt, dust, and debris which are a source of potential harm, as they irritate the surface of the eye, which can result in visual deterioration.
Crying helps clean the eyes by pushing out these irritants. The best part is our tears contain lysozyme, an antibacterial chemical that fights eye infection.
#4 It clears your nose

Our tear ducts is connected to the nose, that's why when you cry at times, you get a runny nose. It is not a bad thing as it helps to flush out bacteria and irritants from the nose.
#5 It improves your sleep

After a good cry, the body feels lighter and better. This is because toxins and stress hormones have been flushed out of the body. As a result, it's easier for us to fall asleep after crying, and the quality of sleep gets better, which is beneficial for our metabolism and immune system.
Do you let yourself cry the moment you feel like crying? Do you know any other benefits of crying? We'll love to read them in the comment section!
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