5 weird signals of your genius nature

You are more of genius than you think! And these facts will prove it. Take a look at these 5 features each true genius has, and make sure that you're one of them.

Are you a genius according to these features? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Please don't forget to SHARE this if you possess one of these features!

#Science #Personality #IQ


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Well hell. It's me 100%.... Hot Damm.
Mar 4, 2017 5:31PM
Sheila Bond
I was a genius until an attempt on my life cost me 30 points on my IQ. Severe brain damage was the result. My brain recovered more than the Doctors thought possible. Genius in some ways indeed. Short term memory is gone. Oh well. I live.
Mar 5, 2017 8:34PM
Got me on four out of five, I must be a f-!#=/g genius!
Mar 5, 2017 7:39PM
jmsblanton, that's an excuse less intelligent and overly religious people use so they can feel more superior than their IQ indicates. Do you honestly think God gives a whit about an acronym for a medieval British license pronouncing holders clean of venereal disease For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge? As the True Name of God was lost with the Ark of the Covenant, preventing laypersons to use that Name in vain, all else is man-defined butthurt words.
Mar 4, 2017 6:19PM
John Brugger
Disagree with #5. Smart people don't use rude, crude words. They take pride in learning all the obscure words to express themselves without resort to the limited four letter word vocabulary!
Oct 14, 2021 12:01PM
My vocabulary is extensive enough not to need to express myself through foul language, obscenities or profanities. The other 4 do apply to me.
Jun 8, 2019 4:12PM
Lynne Zeman
I had once read a quote that people who swear lack the vocabulary to express themselves well.
Jun 26, 2019 5:35PM
Audrey Lee
😂😂😂 don't think so not lazy or messy!
Oct 28, 2023 4:36PM
That's me all over :-o
Sep 17, 2023 5:43PM
I'm probably not a true genius. I don't use bad language very often. And I doubt that I worry any more than the average person.
Jun 30, 2023 4:32PM
Well 3 out of 5 ain't bad.
Jun 13, 2023 11:16AM
Rae Ann Randall
Sheila Bond, I'm sorry to hear this... Been there attempted a few times myself.. I see it as we aren't done on here on earth... Better days will come our why Sweetie!! ❤️
Apr 27, 2023 5:48AM
My father drilled into us that sweating showed a very limited vocabulary and extreme arrogance. I think he was 100% correct
Mar 12, 2023 6:18AM
...gee, thx, that made me feel a whole lot better...and, here, I thought it was just this year's taxes...
Mar 8, 2023 12:40AM
Kenneth Brown
150% Genius!
Jan 5, 2023 4:09PM
Joy Holbrook
I know my IQ is in the genius range, because my father was a teacher at the school I attended. He used that knowledge to push me to do better than my best. The only thing I can’t relate to in the labels above, is the messy desk. I’m a stickler for organisation and tidiness in my entire house.
Dec 9, 2022 7:16PM
Toby O'Neil
Except for #4. Who decided this criteria.?
Oct 8, 2022 7:26PM
4/5 I don’t use foul language, my vocabulary is versatile enough to find alternative words that won’t offend.
Sep 28, 2022 6:07PM
John Jono
Every person on earth swears even priests John Brugger,
May 25, 2022 5:39PM
John Jono
Defo me
May 25, 2022 5:38PM
George Oliver Prince
I was going okay until I got to the foul language part, however, I have a few words that more than make up for it
May 22, 2022 9:08PM
Jacqueline Tattam
John Brugger, wrong
May 11, 2022 2:32AM


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