7 things about our body that scientists can't explain
Some of our behavioral patterns and features of the human body still can't be explained by science. Read on to find out more about the most mysterious aspects of our lives.
At the same time, other animals, such as chimpanzees, kiss. According to one of theories, kissing originally occurred as a way to test potential partner's health through taste. Some scientists also believe that it might have evolved from the practice of a mother feeding her babies through mouth, pushing the food with the tongue.
Still, there is no exact answer to why humans started kissing and showing their affection this way. One thing for sure - we kiss because it feels good.
Others believe that we've inherited this feature from our ancestors who slept on trees. Their brain sent special signals to different parts of their bodies to ensure they would not fall down.
Was this information surprising? What do you think about that? Do you think that any other features of the human body are mysterious?
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