Astonishing facts about beards you've never heard before

Science Story: Astonishing facts about beards you've never heard before

Have you ever thought why men have beards? Is there any function at all? As it turns out, there are some historical and natural reasons for wearing a beard. Find out more about them in this intriguing article!

Do you like beards? Do you or would you like to have one? Your commentary is necessary!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Christene Hazelton
I'm partial to a clean shaven man but... A woman with a beard is just gross!
Dec 13, 2017 4:41PM
Helen Dovenmuehle
I like mustaches and beards.....on a man
Dec 13, 2017 11:05PM
Dottie McFadden
No! I hate beards!
Dec 13, 2017 5:30PM
Don Markusic
Back in the 60s just to be a rebel I grew a beard . Today everybody's growing a beard . And if everybody's doing it and a lot of people are doing it . So am going clean-shaven just to be a rebel . I think I'm a rebel without a clause .
Feb 4, 2020 5:18PM
Donna Carder-Kummer
I’m partial to clean shaven men. Beards make men look older and unclean, ugh!
Jan 7, 2019 10:27PM
Vimala Padmaraj
Oct 3, 2021 1:54AM
AJ Webb
I think this was written by a man. A woman would have included the down side of a man with a beard too.
May 10, 2023 5:54PM
Jessie Franklin
I have a preference for clean shaven.
Dec 16, 2023 2:36PM
John Bayly
If I go three days without shaving, it becomes annoying. So no beard.
Sep 23, 2023 4:23PM
I have had a well trimmed beard for 45 years 👍
Aug 20, 2023 5:23PM
no id no not want a beard and i do not like people wearing them at dinner as food clings to them as well.
Aug 10, 2023 3:34PM
Gail Cusack
I like clean shaven men like my husband is. Do not like beards at all. A friend has one and when he has coffee it sits on his beard/moustache and looks ridiculous.
Oct 2, 2022 3:17AM
Julie Domaille
I suppose, back in the day, women would have beards too. UV protection, warm in winter can't be a natural gift for just the men. But women have more fat distribution so is that the trade? If so, shaving alot easier than dieting sigh
Feb 6, 2022 4:17PM
Joe Allen
Linda Carr, LOL, can't imagine not keeping my beard as clean as a whistle. Some guys are just gross period.
Aug 27, 2021 4:50AM
Joe Allen
brian stapelkamp, I had to shave mine off when I was drafted into the Army in 71. Started growing it back the day after my discharge. discharge.
Aug 27, 2021 4:46AM
brian stapelkamp
I always wanted a beard, I grew it when I was 21, and in 50 years have only been clean shaven 5 times, and each time I grew it back ASAP.
Apr 20, 2021 8:34AM
Christopher J Voce
I’ve had a beard for about 5 years see left! Gotten used to it and have no plans to shave for a while.
Jun 30, 2020 3:05AM
Ilias Tsiabardas
Not my favorite Appearance
Jan 31, 2020 10:13PM
Rameen Khan, Agree!
Oct 15, 2019 5:11PM


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