Here is why meditation is good for you – 8 fascinating facts

Over the last decade, the popularity of meditation has grown rapidly, but is it really that beneficial and why? Read on to find out something new about the science of this miraculous practice.

Have you ever practiced meditation? Do you believe it's good for our body and mind? Do you know any other interesting facts about meditation?

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Suzanne Wilson
Sean Case, I agree Sean, although I also believe prayer itself can be a form of meditation.
Nov 3, 2022 11:23PM
Doris Dallaire
It is a good practice and yes some people try and profit financially from it. But the actual act of meditating does help calm the mind, the breathing helps your body get rid of toxins and it is beneficial. It doesn’t have to do with any god at all if that’s not your thing. Just like some people think yoga has to do with religion, it doesn’t have to.
Oct 12, 2020 10:54AM
Prakash Bakre
Technique of meditation may also be suggested.
Jan 16, 2020 12:03AM
Jo Ellen Cole
Meditation has been proven in the past to bring positive results. For those who don't believe in a god or God or gods, it is a very helpful way to calm yourself and control your breathing. Of course, those who observe a god or God or gods, it helps them too. But for the non-believers, it's good to just stop, relax and be mindful for a small amount of time each day.
Oct 30, 2019 1:56AM
Susan Golebiewski
Meditation works.
Oct 25, 2019 5:20PM
Margaret Wales
Meditated for a long period some time ago helped me but slowly stopped will take time to resume it made such a difference we all can take time for us
Oct 25, 2019 4:44AM
Sean Case
I prefer prayer! I need the help of someone greater than myself!
Oct 24, 2019 11:27PM
Peter Carrie
Yes agree with all above and it also gives you energy when you are tired. Twice a day for 20 minutes is best.
Oct 24, 2019 11:24PM
Ananda Giri
Meditation is done to go back to Godhood. Not for just body and mind benefits....
Oct 24, 2019 10:54PM
Ken Breedlove
Certainly worth a try. What do you have to lose.
Oct 24, 2019 9:00PM
Cheryl McMeekin
I believe it all, will start using meditation again to help me with my current situations.
Oct 24, 2019 8:22PM
I believe every word!
Oct 24, 2019 8:12PM
Wont let me "like" it
Oct 24, 2019 6:20PM
Ian Atkinson
Tried meditating once but it worked too well, sitting cross legged in my bedroom facing it's open door reciting the on mantra( because it seemed apt )when I was nearly run over by a coach drawn by 6 horses, obviously an hallucination, imaginary but real to me at the time( in my early twenties) that was my first and last meditation session, still vivid now over 50 years ago.
Oct 24, 2019 5:55PM


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