Interesting science: 15 beyond belief facts about lightning
Are you afraid of lightning? Well, it’s no wonder since lightning is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable phenomena of nature. Let’s discover the most exciting and interesting facts about it!
Lightning is wonderful and mysterious at the same time. Scientists all over the world try to study and classify it using various techniques. However, there are still many gaps in our knowledge of lightning. Here are several facts on lightning that scientists are sure about:
#1 Every minute there are about 1800 thunderstorms with lightning in the world.
#2 Every year the Earth gets about 25 million of lightning strikes.
#3 An average duration of lightning is one quarter of a second
#4 People can hear the sound of thunder 12 miles away from the lightning.
#5 Lightning approaches the Earth at a speed of 60,000 km (37,282 ml) per second.
#6 As a rule, the temperature of lightning is about 50,000 F⁰ (27,760 °C)
#7 Famous saying that lightning never strikes twice is erroneous.
#8 Current rate of a lightning bolt is 10-500 thousand amperes.
#9 When a powerful lightning bolt strikes at the sand, the latter is transformed into so-called fulgurites – hollow glass tubes.
#10 Sometimes the length of lightning may reach 20 km (12.4 mi)!
#11 Lightning is typical not only of our planet.
#12 The chances that you will be hit by lightning are 1 to 1,000,000.
#13 There are several unbelievable cases in the world when people were struck by lightning more than once.
#14 There is another strange story:
#15 There are several rules to follow if you happen to be in the open country during a thunderstorm:
And here is the video shot by scientists of Florida Institute of Technology at a very high speed:
Doesn't lightning look magnificent? Are you afraid of this phenomenon? Tell us in the comments!
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