Real or fake – 5 fascinating facts about the placebo effect

Placebo treatments have no therapeutic value, but due to the mysterious nature of human psychology they can produce some clinically significant benefit. Why and how does it work? Let's learn the truth.

Have you ever experienced the placebo effect? Which fact from the article surprised you the most?

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
John Disney
I took part in a blind drugs trial for relief of migraine and found that my migraines were reduced, then after the trial was told I was on the placebo. Subsequently started on the real drug and my migraines almost disappeared.
Jan 14, 2020 4:46AM
Chris Garrett-Petts
The mind's a powerful thing!
Jul 16, 2023 8:26PM
Martha McDowell, Why do you "hate" billionaires? U need to take one of those little yellow pills to make you happy and not "hate" people...
Dec 6, 2019 5:46PM
Martha McDowell
Patricia Kosty Apgar, My hate for drug companies is as high as my hate for billionaires. eeerrrgg
Nov 12, 2019 10:09PM
Martha McDowell
Barbara Young, that was great. I learned a lot that night
Nov 12, 2019 10:07PM
Very cool info!
Nov 11, 2019 2:40PM
Barbara Young
Did you watch the tv show MASH when they ran out of pain killers?
Nov 8, 2019 10:04PM
Ray Chancellor
belief can relax the body--this allows the body to release natural chemicals for pain--5 in the brain and one body wide---found to be 10 times more powerful than morphine---BUT disbelief can even block quote real medicine from working-i believe that endorphin is the body wide one and i believe encephalin? is what the brain ones are called--these can be release by several methods other than pills
Nov 8, 2019 9:50PM
Judy Wilson
A very interesting concept!
Nov 8, 2019 6:58PM
Cheryl McMeekin
Placebo's have worked on people for generations, which is a great thing. When they've had epidemics and would run low on medications, they'd give the mindset that what they were being given would help make them feel better.
Nov 8, 2019 4:49PM
Robert F Mallillin
The placebo effect is consistent with basic yoga practices example: if I experience a pain in my internal organs, all I have to do is concentrate that there is no pain at all and suggest to myself that I am feeling is actually a soothing sensation of bliss and contentment. Presto, the pain disappears. Believe it or not!!!
Nov 8, 2019 4:47PM


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