Why don’t we remember anything from the infancy?

Ah infantile amnesia as it’s better known, weird isn’t it? It’s a pretty universal phenomenon where people tend to have no memories before the age of 4-ish and very few memories of the ages 5–7. What you say in the question is true, our brain are indeed very actively developing in that time, but they are still developing after 5 years as well.

The specifics aren’t known just yet. It’s tricky because memory itself is very complicated and there are swaths of unknowns that make it difficult to say for certain why we forget these early memories. This will be mostly about consensus and what can be supported with experiments.

(Image based on data from Rubin & Schulkind, 1997)

I’ll skip the whole introduction to memory bit and state that we focus on the episodic/autobiographical memories only. Events that happened to us in a certain place at a certain time. And we have two forgetting phases, the early one until about 4 years old, and a later one from 5–7 where we have very few memories.

The first notion to go is that this is “just normal forgetting”, where it’s just difficult to remember something from that long ago. This has been tested and it was found that forgetting happens quite predictable, and that the early years show less memories than they should if it was just regular old forgetting.

This leaves us with infantile amnesia, where there are probably two large camps of explanations. One says that children simple lack the ability to remember and that we don’t have these memories because the ability to make them doesn’t develop until later. This is the late emergence of autobiographical memory category.

The second big camp is the disappearance of early memory category, which says that the memories are still there, but cannot be accessed. This is also where the language aspect plays a part, where language changes the way memories are encoded, making the more visual memories incompatible with the adult system.


Both of them are sorta right and sorta wrong, reality likely lies somewhere in between. Children do have memories, we know they do, so it’s not like they cannot form new memories. It’s also not likely that the memories are still there, just inaccessible.

Children do remember differently. When adults recall there is a who, what, where, when, why, and how. Kids can remember all of these too, but not as good as adults can. Some memories might only contain a who and when (M1), some might have a How, Where, and When (M3), but very few if any memory has all the elements. These elements are also not as tightly connected and elaborated.

Kids need to learn this, they need to learn what is important, how to build a narrative. Try talking to a child about their day, it will be very scripted, filled with meaningless details. They tell you about waking up, breakfast, going to school, coming back from school, etc. Almost instinctively an adult will start guiding the story, asking things like “who was there? what did we do?”.

It also helps quite a bit to be aware of you own self, something that doesn’t develop until about 18 months (give or take a few). Making an autobiographical memory is a bit easier if you can center it around yourself.

(Image from Bauer (2015) based on the Complementary Process Account)

This method of forming memories makes for weak memories, random spots of memories that are barely linked and sorta incomplete (lacking all the elements). Language acquisition can’t account for all that, ever met a 3 year old? they can talk your ears off! so they definitely have language. Children make weak memories, but that doesn’t completely tell you why those memories disappear, but I’ll get there.

The brain is still growing, very plastic, and things are going on that would amaze you. Large structures in the brain are still specifying and changing, the memory systems are part of that change. There’s a lot of biology involved and I’ll spare you all the sciency sounding brain structures. The best way to see a memory is as a skeleton of elements, stored in a sort of web.

When you remember something one of the elements is activated (can be by seeing something, smelling something, any kind of stimulus), which travels through the web activating all the other elements. Once they are all activated the memory can be built, the blanks are filled in and we “remember”.

This is all nice and well in adults, but as you can imagine this requires an intact web. The weak childhood memories barely hung together as they were, and time is not generous to them. Biological changes can break the weak memories apart, leaving only small isolated elements that can no longer form a memory. New neurons are formed in the hippocampus, squeezing in between existing memories, breaking the pattern. New strategies, new knowledge, new skills, they all interfere with what and how we remember things. And all of that is happening very fast in the first years of our lives.

We forget because inefficient memories are created by inefficient cognitive systems, trying to be stored by inefficient structures. Early memories are weak, but strong enough to survive some time. This is why children can still remember. Ask a 4 year old about something important that happened last year and chances are they will have a memory of it. Eventually the memories will decay over the long-term, much faster than normal forgetting, resulting in infantile amnesia when the brain matures.

It’s not that children cannot make memories, and it’s not that the memories are inaccessible. It’s a little bit of both, where the brain grows and changes they way it stores and retrieves memories, and where old memories decay faster due to biological changes.

All that plasticity, all that development, is part of why you forget. Makes you wonder what might happen if we re-activate neurogenesis and allow the brain to be that plastic in adults huh? Might heal brain damage, with permanent amnesia as a side-effect… who knows…

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

What is your earliest childhood memory? Do you have any flashbacks from your childhood?

#Science #IQ #psychology #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Dave Walser
I have many memories from two years on running into the sea at Brighton fully clothed at my first sight of the sea. Going to Southend and eating seafood with my dad . Learning to swim at 3/4 my dad just pushed me in the shallow end said he get to the side ok I did went on to swim for the school .went through the blitz start of Second World War .losing school friends in bomb raids I tell my great grandchildren my little stories which I’m writing into a life story I think everybody should write down for family to read
Jul 19, 2022 9:36AM
Lynda Wild
I remember events from About two & a half years old
Jul 7, 2024 9:41AM
Elsy O. Stromberg
I just remember riding my trike when I was four, but I remember kindergarten and 1st and second grades and having my tonsils out and my mother having a baby when I was six.
Dec 10, 2023 11:24AM
Adriana Zuliani
I had plenty of flashbacks since I was born. Babies think, understand, but they cannot talk and express their opinions. These were my experiences. They relates mainly on my mental capacities which differs from everybody else. To standardise the behaviour and thinking of others and channel them to a simple and single answers is wrong. We differs from each other, and each one of us is unique.
Feb 4, 2023 9:53PM
Doris Dallaire
I have a lot of vivid memories of times when I was 2 or 3 years old and onwards. Lots from the 5 to 7 year old stage too. Things that I remember doing when I played with certain toys. No one would have told me that, I just remember it. I also talked about my memories too and my childhood was also very good. Sometimes I get a feeling of being in a place where I was in early childhood and I can smell it and just feel as though I’m still there, the lighting, the air, everything very clearly.
Sep 6, 2021 7:58PM
Doris Dallaire
Christine Gardner, I remember that too. I was about that age, I cried as I was taken down the hall away from my parents. I was placed on a bed in the OR and a nurse kept telling me not to cry because I’d get some ice cream afterwards. Then a doctor came with another person and they told me not to worry he was an uncle which I knew was not true. And then they put on the mask over my face. Next thing I knew I was back in a room with my parents and was going home.
Sep 6, 2021 7:54PM
Rebecca Neese
I have A LOT of very clear memories going back to well before I was three years old, and also from the 5-7 year old span that the article claims hold few memories. Maybe part of the reason I remember a lot is because I thought about and talked about my memories a lot -- overall, childhood was a pleasant time for me, although I do remember a number of unpleasant or unhappy things as well.
Jul 14, 2020 4:45PM
Cheryl McMeekin
I remember what I was 3/4 my parents car broke down and my mom's parent came to help us out and I was given my grandfather's heavy blue jean coat to coverup with in the back seat, cause it was still winter.
Jul 5, 2020 9:04PM
I was 2 yrs old having my first mastroid operation, while on the table the dr. Thought I was unconscious and I wasn't as he cut open the back of my ear I was petrified, remembe red it so well that when the next one had to be done I totally freaked out, had to work it out with regression therapy. Had many regression therapies and remembered to much from not so good childhood. At 5 remembered being taken away by police and going to orfanage spent 13 yrs. Tre in between foster homes. I personally think that if one has to much trainer in young yrs. It stays with you very long time. I am 75 yrs. And remember more and more, like going backwards the older I get. Thanks for all your sharing
Jun 1, 2020 11:53PM
Christine Gardner
Very interesting. My first memory was about 3yrs old when I had my tonsils out. I can remember being on the operating table, the mask being placed on my face and the smell of whatever knocked me out. I remember Mum & Dad taking me home from hospital.
May 21, 2020 4:39AM
Doug Payne
I remember some very vivid memories as far back as 1.5 years old.
Oct 21, 2019 9:35PM
jack patti go
I have very few memories of me at a yoing age! Two of my diblings remembrr minute details of when yheyvwere sayv3 or so! I have forgotten a lot of my life anyway! Not sure why.
Oct 12, 2019 10:04PM
I remember being carried up a flight of stairs, by my sister, to see a family friend. I must have been 1-2 years old
Sep 28, 2019 9:38AM
Googie Findley
I can still recall being taken to see my grandad in hospital when I was six months old,and it isn't imagination ,no one had told me that
Sep 22, 2019 1:17AM
WOW Really interesting!
Sep 20, 2019 5:49PM


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