These workplace facts will save your workday
Work/life balance is essential for us. What does your typical day look like? Quite often we find ourselves working overtime and feel stressed. Have you ever thought about the hooks that make you work more?
False emotions cause stress. Working too much is bad for our health. Is there any way to find a balance and escape job burnout?
By the way, you can read this article to learn how a dream job can turn out to be a real nightmare.
There are ways to become more efficient and reduce stress at your workplace. Let's check some tips.
#1 Fake positivity is really toxic.
Don't be afraid of your emotions. Real positivity helps to solve many problems. However, if you force yourself to smile when you actually feel sad it can cause emotional exhaustion. So, don't lie to yourself and don't transmit fake positivity.

#2 Working less reduces stress.
The latest studies prove that working more doesn't guarantee better results. It's better to set deadlines for tasks you have during the day, take short breaks every two hours.

#3 Free food makes you stay at the office longer.
Subconsciously you start to believe that there's no need to go out or go home as you have everything you need in the office.

#4 Comfortable work environment increases your happiness and productivity.
Comfort makes people calm and happy. Decorate your desk the way you like, add your favourite colors to feel better and accomplish more tasks in a shorter period of time.

#5 Scientists say, our work efficiency depends on the circadian rhythms.
If you are an early riser, morning hours are the best time for you to get concentrated and do difficult tasks. However, if it's hard for you to get up at 6 a.m. your energy level in the morning won't let you do your best. Adjust your working schedule to the time when you are more energetic.

What do you think about that? Share your ideas in the comments below!
Do you remember your first job? Did you like it? It might be interesting for you to learn about the first jobs of US presidents! Check it out here!
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