Quizzes and tests for women

Here you find an extensive collection of tests and quizzes for ladies only. We’ve tried to cover every topic you care about.

It's Time To Check Your Knowledge About Everything

Unleash your brain power with this tricky general knowledge quiz.
7,524 players took this test

97% Of American Women Can't Name These Famous Foreign Books. Can You?

"The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired."

#female #knowledge #literature


96% Of Women Cannot Pass This Tricky Color Test: Is It Blue Or Black?

According to science, a woman's vision is not purely black or white, they see multiple different colors on a daily basis which is why so many struggle with this tricky test! Can you ace it? (Men can also give it a go!)

#color #female

In Honor Of Women's History Month, Can You Identify What These Women Are Known For?

From sports icons to civil rights activists, can you identify what these women are most known for?

#Science #History #female #knowledge #Sport #politics #literature

Majority Of Women Are Confused By This Tricky Color Test!

Most women struggle to differentiate between colors... are you part of the majority or the elite minority? Find out now by clicking on the right colors as fast as you can! Go on!! Prove us wrong!

#color #female #vision

Is Your Vision Actually More Male Or Female?

Color, speed, accuracy - all of these are wired differently within the vision of men and women. How's yours?

#female #male

Free quizzes for the powerful, sexy, smart woman. What personality type are you? Which hair color suits you best? Does he love you? Take some of our favorite quizzes and tests and get the answers you're looking for.


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