Literature quizzes and tests
Reading a book can change one’s life, isn’t that true? If you are a real bookworm, these literature quizzes and tests were designed just for you.
It's Time To Check Your Knowledge About Everything
Can You Identify The World Famous Author By A Book Title?
How much of a book worm are you and can you recognize who wrote these famous classics?
Nobody Can Score 10/10 In This Tricky Literature Test
You are a literary genius if you can get a perfect score.
Only Literary Experts Can Name The Authors Of Each Of These Classic Holiday Books!
Book lovers and holiday enthusiasts alike, we hope you've been been brushing up on your yuletide lit! Get ready to test yourself here!
#knowledge #literature #holiday
Only 9% Of English Teachers Can Complete These 24 Basic English Phrases. Can You?
You need to get at least 22/24 to get an A+.
Can You Pass A 9th Grade Literature Exam?
So you think you'd pass a 9th grade literature exam? We'll see about that...
98% Of Americans Can't Name These Famous Foreign Books
You're literally a literary genius if you get 19/20.
#Culture #knowledge #literature
97% Of American Women Can't Name These Famous Foreign Books. Can You?
"The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired."
#female #knowledge #literature
Can You Ace The High School Literature Test?
Find out if you still remember what happens in these great literary works and have what it takes to pass the class!
Can You Recognise These 15 Children's Books From Their Illustrations?
Let's take you back a few years! Can you match these images to the book that they are from?
You Could Get Into Harvard If You Pass This English Literature Quiz
How well do you know your literature? Could you ace this quiz and blag your way into an Ivy league?
Take these literature quizzes and tests to find out how well you know authors, books, poetry, pen names, greatest literary characters, and quotes. What’s more, we know that not everybody has enough time to read a lot, so our trivia questions and short interesting facts are just for you.