Popular quizzes and tests

Here you can find our users’ favorite trivia quizzes and tests. Challenge your general knowledge on different topics: personality, relationship, IQ, movies, and many others. Try our trivia questions and share your thoughts of them.

Can You Name The 30 Greatest Olympians Of All Time?

These top athletes are not to be forgotten - can you remember all of their names? Go for the gold in this quiz!

#History #celebs #knowledge #Sport


Can you match Nicolas Cage to the Nicolas Cage movie?

Nikolas Cage said that he had developed his own method of acting, which he described as "Nouveau Shamanic." Do you like movies with him? Can you get 15/15 in this test?

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Only 3% Of Americans Know The Capitals Of These 18 States

Take it to check your knowledge of American geography, and pass it on to challenge your friend.

#Geography #knowledge

Can You Score 9/9 In The Trickiest IQ Test?

Intelligence is not about being book-smart or having a college degree. It's about relying on your gut instincts, being intuitive, and thinking outside the box. Take this unique IQ test if you agree.

#IQ #knowledge

Do You Recognize 33 History-Changing Events Every Adult Should Know?

Can you name these historic events that changed our world forever - just by looking at a photograph?

#History #knowledge

Can you name these 50s and 60s TV shows?

See how well you can recognize these classic American TV shows!

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Can You Name These 45 Cities From Their Nicknames?

The City of Love, The Big Apple, Sin City, all nicknames for some of the most famous cities of the world. Can you guess what the city is, simply from its nickname.

#Geography #knowledge

How Many Southern Words And Phrases Do YOU Know?

If you're worth your salt you'll know all the answers. So, are you worth your salt?

#language #knowledge

The Ultimate Classical Music Quiz

These are the hardest, most fiendish classical music questions on the internet. Music geeks, get your thinking caps on. And no Googling!

#music #knowledge

Online trivia quizzes entertain people and bring them interesting information in a form of games. Our 10 million community of trivia fans have already appreciated that. Join our big family and help other users to find quizzes they will enjoy.


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