Can You Guess The Movie From These Iconic Outfits?
How well do you know these famous looks?
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
"Simpsons" Quiz: Are You A Pop Culture Expert?
Can you do it better than your friends? Name 100% of these obscure "Simpsons" characters to be called an expert!
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
Can You Identify These Disney Characters From Their Eyes?
Test your Disney knowledge with this tricky quiz!
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
Only Polyglots Can Guess This Simple Phrase in 11/13 Languages
One simple but highly important question. 13 languages. Can you tell them apart?
Can You Name These 21 Most Forgotten Disney Characters?
Are you up for the challenge? Take it now!
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
Are You A Food Expert?
National cuisine plays an important role in tourists' perception of their trip. So, are you a food tourist? How many national dishes have you tried? Let's check it!
#Geography #funny #knowledge #food
Only Master Chocolatiers Can Identify All These Candies
Sure, you know a Reese's when you see it, but can you tell a Snickers from a Milky Way just by looking at a naked candy bar! Put yourself to the ultimate chocolate-lover's test here!
Can You Guess Which Of These Paintings Is Modern Art?
Researchers, led by Jenny Nissel, conducted a study to prove that there is a recorded difference between abstract art and paintings created by children and animals.
Which Christmas character are you
Christmas is almost here! Take this quiz to find out which famous christmas character you are.
Can You Remember These Classic Christmas Adverts From The Last 30 Years?
"Holidays are coming.... holidays are coming.... "