Can You Score 9/9 In The Trickiest IQ Test?

Intelligence is not about being book-smart or having a college degree. It's about relying on your gut instincts, being intuitive, and thinking outside the box. Take this unique IQ test if you agree.

#IQ #knowledge


Only People With An IQ Score Of 153-161 Passed This General Knowledge Test

Even though the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination, we gave this quiz to 100 college students. Surprisingly, the ones who passed it had an IQ range of 153-161. Give it a try to see if you can get a perfect score.

#History #IQ #knowledge

You Will Correctly Answer These 15 Questions If You Have A PhD

This test has been driving the internet crazy because only people with a PhD got 15/15. Give it a whirl to see how high you can score. But before you begin, consider this ancient proverb: "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." Got it?

#IQ #knowledge

Only 1 In 50 People Passed This Insane Trivia Quiz

We gave this tricky trivia test to 50 people and only 1 got a perfect score. It might be the proof that the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. But still, give it your best shot. You might beat these odds.

#IQ #knowledge

What's Your Car IQ?

How well do you know about your car?

#IQ #knowledge

Can You Pick The Odd One Out?

Only 4 Of 10 People Passed This Test.

#IQ #knowledge

Your IQ Is Higher Than The Average If You Score 5/10

Are you actually smarter than the average? Check yourself!

#IQ #knowledge


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