Can you match these famous movie quotes to the films they came from?

Test your cinema knowledge with this quiz... which is WAY harder than it looks

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Only Logic Geniuses Can Answer These 9 Classic Riddles!

From books, from presidents, and from mathematicians, these nine classic riddles are here to stump you! Test your knowledge and wit here!


How English are you?

See how much you know about the green and pleasant land.

#Culture #knowledge

How Much Do You Know About Cats?

Think you know a lot about cats? Take our quiz to test your knowledge about these furry felines and their wild cousins!

#animals #knowledge

Can you pass this grammar test?

Lets see are you a Grammar Gangsta or a Silly Speller!

#language #knowledge

People With Superior IQ Know The Capitals Of These Obscure Countries

We gave this test to 100 people, and only 2 knew the capitals of these obscure countries.

#Geography #knowledge

What math grade should you be in?

Take this test to see what grade you SHOULD be in.



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