Your IQ Is Above 152 If You Pass This Synonym Test

Researchers gave this synonym test to 100 people and only those with IQ score higher than 152 passed. Can you beat those odds?

#IQ #language #knowledge


21 Words And Phrases You Should Know If You're Older Than 21

Do you know all these words and phrases that every adult should know?

#age #language #knowledge

Only 1 In 3 Adults Can Get 100% On This 4th Grade Thanksgiving Spelling Test

This surprisingly tricky Turkey Day test can trip up even the strongest of spellers. Are you really smarter than a 4th grader? Find out here!

#language #knowledge #holiday

Can You Spell The 20 Words That Most People Cannot?

"Synonym: a word you use in place of the one you cannot spell."

#language #knowledge

Only 5% Of Americans Still Remember The Grammar Rules They Learned In School

Only 5% of Americans still remember the basics of English grammar. Are you one of them? Let's find out!

#language #knowledge

Can You Pass This Basic Grammar Test?

How good is your English? Do you ever misspell a word or forget your correct grammar?

#language #knowledge

No One Can Score 30/30 In This Tricky Plural Forms Test

We gave this test to 100 high school students and no one got more than 15/30 correctly. Can you beat those odds?

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