Do You Truly Know Enough About Earthquakes?

See how knowledgeable you are about one of the Earth's most devastating natural disasters.

#knowledge #Nature


What are your thoughts on this subject?
8 / 12. I am glad that I don’t live in an earthquake zone!
Mar 27, 2025 2:32PM
Player Dennis
"All of the above" is never a valid answer are there would not be any incorrect answers.
Aug 21, 2024 5:54PM
abram nicholson
Question no. 9 is grammatically in error. It can be understood to be either below or above, based on the grammar as incorrectly stated. I missed it due to faulty grammar.
Jul 13, 2024 2:02PM
Audrey Lee
11/12 I missed the one about animals sensing earthquakes. I'm sorry I still believe they do, as well as other disasters about to happen.
Jun 20, 2024 1:20PM
Emm Yo
They actually hear the earth grinding. They detect more frequencies than humans. Shelley Durocher,
Apr 3, 2024 12:34AM
Emm Yo
Animals do sense earthquakes.
Apr 3, 2024 12:33AM
10 / 12. Looks like I have a good chance of surviving an earthquake!
Mar 27, 2024 12:11PM
Patricia Parraguez-Chen
Perfect score. I know about earthquakes being from Chile where there are small earthquakes weekly if not daily. Those are called “ temblores” and there have been big ones of 8.4 and even 9.6 intensity, in the Richter scale. These are called “Terremotos “ Most of the houses and buildings don’t suffer because they are well built. Only when a tsunami follows the quake there is more damage but that doesn’t happen often.
Dec 21, 2023 2:16PM
Shelley Durocher
Regarding the animal question, the wording is vague. I think some animals can hear it before we can, and therefore can "predict" it "for you," in a practical sense. I don't think it's a special sense necessarily, just really good hearing. * No sources, I just think it makes more practical sense.
Nov 1, 2023 2:32PM
Emm Yo
They do indeed. Florence McKenna Hiscock,
Sep 30, 2023 3:12AM
Emm Yo
I disagree about the animals. Before a quake in the city the birds suddenly stop singing and dogs start barking...then the shaking starts. Of course they sense a quake. They hear it deep in the earth ...we cannot detect that deep deep rumble. I always trust the animals.
Sep 30, 2023 3:12AM
Florence McKenna Hiscock
11/12 I really thought that animals could probably sense a quake before humans.
Sep 17, 2023 2:14PM
Stephanie Fox
rrb rb, yes! My dogs and I could hear and feel it coming.
Sep 14, 2023 12:34PM
Stephanie Fox
Even though, it is stated that animals can not sense that an earthquake is about to occur, my dogs alerted me before an earthquake struck our area, years ago. It was on a fall day, and the windows were open. They, both jumped up, ears perked up, and I too could hear a wave of something coming. We all ran outdoors and sat in the middle of the yard, until it passed.
Sep 14, 2023 12:33PM


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