What Creature Are You?

What creature are you? Find out which of the 7 creatures is motivating you at your core, and how it relates in your life! Please note: This quiz is purely for fun, and not at all meant to be taken seriously! Take, think, and enjoy it! Or don't. The choice is yours. :)

#Personality #animals #funny


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Susan Golebiewski
Octopus! Love it....
May 31, 2020 7:57PM
Octopus You are cunning, resourceful and refined. You mostly keep to yourself but are always tinkering, and always trying to better either yourself or your work. You take pride in what you complete because you know you did the best you could. You probably feel often under appreciated and are easily bothered by noise and chaos. Though you aren't the emotional type, you do truly thrive in harmonious environments where any conflict is only necessary for progress. You hold high expectations of others and are quick to jump ship when your visions are not being met. Maybe a little too quick? Be sure to watch your tone with people, you unintentionally offend or put others off. You are great at expressing yourself through your passions yet struggle to express yourself in friendships, family and relationships. It's not that you don't feel anything but you can't put it into words and often default to a 'blank face'. Try a little harder otherwise you may find loved ones slipping through your fingers and causing you to retreat far more than you should. Get a grasp! Fight for what you want! Don't always go with the flow and shrug things off! It's okay to get upset! It's okay to take action, and when you are able to do this you will do it with tact, perseverance and articulation. Swim on! 🤔Not even close. Actually I pretty much the opposite of this. 🤣
May 31, 2020 4:29PM
Mary Schroder
I'm an octopus lol!!!
May 30, 2020 1:27PM
A Lion I’d rather be a Roster they get all the hens they want
May 29, 2020 3:50PM
Jim Adams
“Congratulations you passed” Did anybody actually fail? BTW, I’m suppose to be a lion, at least it’s better than my Spirit Animal, the Gnat.
May 16, 2020 1:07AM
Marienne Litolff
Chameleon. Well, I am and I’m not 😆
May 14, 2020 11:03PM
Chrissie Dalton
Lion... that’s ok!
May 8, 2020 1:33AM
Wolf I never thought of myself that way but it makes sense except the pack part I do better by myself
May 7, 2020 7:13AM
Nancy Chisholm
Octopus....Arghh I am a cannibal. Love my calamari!
Apr 26, 2020 1:25PM
Lion. I'm good with that.
Apr 23, 2020 2:54AM


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