6 health problems your eyes may give you a signal about

health Story: 6 health problems your eyes may give you a signal about

If we have some health problem, we should listen to our body, because sometimes it may give us a sign of a serious disease. Let's see what health problems our eyes can tell us about.

Did you know about some of these signals? What other body signals are you aware of? Share your information and opinion with us in the comments below!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Bill Coe
I'm over 70 and I'll give you my wildly bushy eyebrows. I'll even throw in my ear hair.
Jan 12, 2017 10:29PM
I have to change my mascara every four to six weeks or I get itchy eyes.
Apr 6, 2022 7:17PM
Dee East
Very helpful
Jul 28, 2017 1:58PM
Ana Lia Di Gaetano
I have dry eyes. I am 62 and the doctor told me it was due to age. Now I use false tears,one or two drops each day.
Jun 18, 2017 10:15PM
Dee East
Thanks for this information.
Jun 13, 2017 5:53PM
Monjierra Disini
Eyebrow thinning i am 75 years old
Jun 1, 2017 5:03AM
bigbeez nb
Lol bill coe
May 1, 2017 9:22AM
Kat Frederick
Kat Frederick
I forgot to add...NEVER, EVER go to Bed/Sleep with any kind of Makeup on. Leaving Makeup on, and not washing your Face makes your Face Age, at least, 10 years, in One (1) Month, if you Don't wash your Face, before going to Bed, and then just putting new Makeup on, over the old! So, no matter how tired you are...WASH your Makeup off, before you go to sleep...Unless you want to look older than you really are! :/
Jan 22, 2017 2:30AM
Kat Frederick
Kat Frederick
Helen Colgan...It's "Stubborn STYE", not " Stubborn EYE"! LOL! Styes are caused by a bacterial infection. Usually the bacteria grow in the root (follicle) of an eyelash. An internal hordeolum is caused by infection in one of the tiny oil glands inside the eyelid. A chalazion forms when an oil gland in the eyelid becomes blocked. You can avoid getting them, if you wash your Eyelids with diluted tear-free Baby Shampoo, then rinsing with warm water and pat (don't rub) them dry. Do this a few times a week, and it'll keep you from getting Styes...There's something in the Baby Shampoo that kills Bacteria. Make sure your hands are clean, before, and after touching your Eyelids and don't share Washclothes, Towels, or any kind of Makeup, especially Mascara. If you do wear Mascara, DON'T Pump the Mascara Wand/Spooly/Brush in and out of the Tube, really fast, several times...That only makes Air go into the Tube, which can lead to Bacteria growing in the Tube, and drying the Mascara out...Also, you should change your Mascara (buy a new one) every 3 to 4 months, 'cause using the same one, too long only makes you more likely to get an Eye infection, or even a Stye!
Jan 22, 2017 2:05AM
Raashid Khan
Jan 20, 2017 3:28PM
Helen Colgan
Never heard of a stubborn eye before ...........could have given more information
Jan 13, 2017 11:30PM
Nicole Toma-Tolman
Very true. I have that problem. Thin eyebrows were popular in the 90's, then thicker eyebrows post-Y2K. Now I'm forever doomed to needing eyebrow pencils. :(
Jan 13, 2017 7:08PM
Ken Elliott
Ken Elliott
Bill Coe Ain't it the truth! I'm 60 and I have hair that grows everywhere, excapt the top of my head! ;-}
Jan 13, 2017 2:22PM
Ian MacBrown
Bill Coe. I hair ya. Lol
Jan 13, 2017 5:50AM
Ian MacBrown
This should open the eyes of countless hypochondriacs. :-)
Jan 13, 2017 5:45AM
Connie Hurley
Thanks, I already knew most of these, but it is nice to know that what I know isw correct.
Jan 13, 2017 5:29AM


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