Fascinating facts about the world’s flags
Here are a few noteworthy facts about flags across the world.
#1 All of the world’s flags are rectangular except for two.
Switzerland and Vatican city have completely square flags.

#2 When a country chooses to include a symbol on its flag it usually carries a special meaning.
Some include animals while others choose to have stars or shapes. However some countries choose to portray fictional animals. Wales’ flag portrays a dragon, while Albania opted for a double headed eagle.

#3 Countries usually use colors to tie into their history.
That said, most nation states prefer primary colors such as red, blue and yellow.

#4 There is only one country that has a flag that does not have four sides.
Nepal’s flag is made up of two triangles, on top of the other, forming a shape called a pennon.

#5 The least popular color for flags is purple.
Only Central America’s Nicaragua and Dominica - a small Caribbean island, include this color on their flags.

#6 Belize really loves color!
Their flag is the most colorful in the world with a whopping 12 colors displayed on it.

#7 The honor of having the oldest flag in the world belongs to Denmark.
Their current flag was first used in 1625 but the design itself dates from from the early 1200s.

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