The world of ancient mummies - 15 fascinating facts 1/14/2019

Take a look at these mysterious and shocking facts and you'll realize how little you know about the ancient technology of mummification.

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#Science #History


5 astonishing facts from history you've probably never heard of 1/10/2019

Some little-known facts from history seem too weird to be true, but they are actually real. The most incredible stories are not taught in school! Read on to find out why history keeps surprising us.

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#History #Society

Why were dinosaurs so large in size? 12/30/2018

Before we start, what you need to realise is that dinosaurs were definitely large, but not so large.

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#Geography #History #animals #Nature #Quora

What was originally used to make violin strings? 12/27/2018

What do cats, tennis, doctors, cows, and violins have in common? The answer is… catgut!

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#History #Society #Quora

These old pictures show the beauty of women who lived 100 years ago 12/18/2018

At the beginning of 20th century, there was no Photoshop or plastic surgery, and the beauty icons of those times looked completely different from modern actresses, singers and models. Take a look at these 100-year-old pictures capturing the pure beauty of women who lived a century ago.

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#History #female

8 little-known facts that will take all your thoughts 12/15/2018

Do you know why people knock on wood for luck? Or how did Leonardo da Vinci treat animals? If you are eager to learn something new everyday this article is right for you.

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#History #Society #knowledge

5 times in history when men were given credit for women's accomplishments 12/12/2018
by M.

History knows a lot of examples of women making important discoveries... the credit for which were given to men. Read on to find out the truth about the women who changed history and were forgotten.

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#History #female

7 weird and shocking beauty trends from the past 11/28/2018

All beauty standards change with time, that's why some trends from the past seem so weird to us. You will be surprised to find out about there 7 strange beauty rituals from the past.

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#Culture #History


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