5 questions about your body you might not know the answers to

Why is yawning contagious? Why do we cry? Why do we laugh? It's amazing how much we still don't know about ourselves – let's try to find the answers to these and other questions together.

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Did you know the answers to these questions before?

#Science #health


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Leticia Olsen
🥱Actually, I did yawn while reading this twice.😅
Sep 12, 2020 5:56PM
Doreen Henricks
When I worked in critical care, I learned that mechanical ventilators are set to give patients a "sigh" breath every so often during the cycle. Apparently this deep breath is needed to maintain the proper pathophysiology of the lung tissue. People (not on ventilators, obviously) will yawn periodically, which produces the same effect. I don't know if researchers understand why we yawn more when tired, though.
Mar 2, 2022 8:09PM
I didn't yawn at all. Our body temps vary slightly (excepting fever cases).
Sep 14, 2022 9:50PM
Doreen Henricks, Very interesting, thanks!
Jul 29, 2022 6:42PM
Nancy Mueller
Sarasu Ajayakumar, my body temperature vacillates. There may be very little difference but I’ve had lows of 96.0F and highs of 98.0F frequently
Jun 21, 2022 6:06PM
Sarasu Ajayakumar
As far as I know our body temperature is constant. It goes up during fever.
May 19, 2022 4:53AM
Erma Guaracha
I didn't yawn at all.
Aug 18, 2021 11:54PM
david dunbar
A great yawn inducer, shiver inducer if you read it in the freezer and tear inducer if you read it to the end
Oct 11, 2020 5:10PM
Adriana Zuliani
Very interesting! I didn’t know all of them, but it is nice to learn new things. Usually we take everything for granted, without asking too many questions.
Sep 11, 2020 7:21AM
Facinating! I still say yawning is the most contagious things we have!! Just thinking about yawning is making me yawn!!
Jun 6, 2020 7:02PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
David Lumb, Sounds like you need to get some better jokes!
May 30, 2020 2:48PM
Carole Hirth
Excellent answers!
May 30, 2020 10:50AM
David Lumb
Seeing our pet dog yawn makes me also yawn. Mind you I have noticed that my family yawns after I tell a joke!
May 29, 2020 7:39PM
Madi Marven
Yeah!Felicia I think yawning is contagious I've noticed that even when communicating on skype if a person yawns I yawn too!!
May 29, 2020 8:24AM
Thank you for a learning and educational piece. Good job Quiz Folks.
May 28, 2020 11:57PM


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