Can we change personal traits inherited from our parents?
Recent studies in genetics revealed interesting facts. Here are the things that can be inherited:
Do you have brown eyes like your mother and long legs like your father? No wonder! All of us inherit two copies of each gene from each of our parents. But what else apart from the appearance do we get from our ancestors?
#1 High cholesterol
But sometimes high cholesterol depends not on the lifestyle and nutrition but is simply inherited. 1 of 500 people has a special genetic mutation. It leads to poor cholesterol absorption and so, it is accumulated in blood. Such people have high cholesterol even on a vegetarian diet.
#2 Men's hair loss is inherited from their mothers
#3 Academic performance
#4 Penchant for coffee
#5 Adult-onset diabetes of young people
#6 Color blindness
#7 Lactose intolerance
#8 Driving a car
#9 Short-sightedness (myopia)
Still, scientists believe not everything is conditioned by genetics. Spend less time in front of the computer, avoid eyestrain and your risk of poor eyesight will be much lower.
#10 Popularity
What runs in your blood? What traits did you inherit from your parents? What would you like to pass on to your children? Your commentary is welcome!
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