10 bizarre, little-known and unusual holidays to celebrate in April
Ann Lewis
Sometimes we all need something to cheer us up and make our day happier. There are at least 10 little-known holidays in April 2020, and one of them may for sure become your reason to smile and do something special together with your loved ones.
7 jaw-dropping facts about Asian countries 4/1/2020
Mysterious Asia is home to diverse traditions, unearthly landscapes and advanced technology. These 7 facts about what life is like in Asian countries will amaze you.
7 illogical things of our world we don't even notice
Lynda Earls
Many rules have exceptions. The only way to deal with them is to memorize. Sometimes we face illogical things in our everyday life and got used to them. We don't even notice these logical errors or mismatches.
Body signs you shouldn't ignore to be in good health
Dean Braun
Many of us don't pay proper attention to what our body is trying to tell us. Tiny changes can be a signal of serious health conditions.
The Mandela effect – mind-bending examples of collective false memories 3/19/2020
What is the Mandela effect? Simply put, it's when a large number of people share incorrect memories about widely known things or facts. If it sounds strange to you, keep reading and you will realize you've experienced it yourself at least once.
#Culture #Society #funny #knowledge
5 important facts about Martin Luther King Jr 3/14/2020
This legendary man fought for justice the way no one did before. His eloquent speeches helped thousands of people to believe in their strength and better future. Let's learn something new about him with these inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. facts.
#History #Society #inspiration
6 unknown countries you've probably never heard of
Jamie Wendel
Today, when information is easily accessible and communication is fast, we may still be unaware of the existence of some nations on our planet. Here are 6 such "secret" countries.
5 inspiring facts about International Women's Day
Ann Lewis
On March 8th, the whole planet celebrates women's achievements in all spheres of life. Here are 5 great facts about this special day and the history behind it.
#Culture #History #Society #female
Burning man - the wildest festival in the world
Every year in the Black Rock Desert (Nevada, USA) a temporary city is built. It is called Black Rock City, the city where the Burning Man Event is held.
#Society #inspiration #holiday
What life was like during the Great Depression – 10 devastating facts
Even decades later, the consequences of the most severe economic depression in the Western world still affect our lives. Here are some of the most shocking and interesting facts about the Great Depression.