Painting Or Photograph: Will You Be The 1 In 20 To Get This Right?
Put your eyes to the test and see if you can distinguish painting from photograph!
99% Of People Fail This Knowledge Of The Arts Exam
What's your state of the art? Are you at the top 1%?
How Much Do You Know About Leonardo Da Vinci?
Leonardo Da VInci's "lost" painting, "Salvator Mundi" sold for a record breaking 450 million dollars! How much do you really know about this renaissance man? Take this quiz to find out!
Can You Guess What The Hidden Meaning Of These 8 Famous Paintings?
How well do you know these famous paintings? Sure you might have seen them before but do you know everything about them?
Can You Guess Which Of These Paintings Is Modern Art?
Researchers, led by Jenny Nissel, conducted a study to prove that there is a recorded difference between abstract art and paintings created by children and animals.
Can You Find The Black Diamond We Hid In Each Of These Picasso Paintings?
If you can find the black diamond we hid in each of these Cubist masterpieces, you probably have perfect vision and a great eye for art! Test yourself here!
Only People With Above Average IQ Are Able To Notice These Mistakes
Can you find the mistakes in these famous paintings and photos?
Only The Most Creative 8% Of The Population Can Get This Right
Fast association skills are the leading assets associated with intelligence, do you have what it takes?