Do You Know These 10 Worldly Food Dishes?
If you've traveled the world and/or are adventurous with your eating habits you might score a 100%! Take the quiz and check your worldly food knowledge!
Hardest 80s Cartoon Quiz Ever
Can you guess the 80s cartoon from the first clip of the intro? If you can get more than 10 right you'll be better than 80% of the population.
Can you Win an Eighth Grade Spelling Bee?
Probably not. You have to remember the spellings of these words that should be easy for and eighth grader but hard for an adult.
Are you smarter than an average 2nd grader?
Take this quiz and find out if your not as smart, as smart, or smarter than an average 2nd grader! I hope you enjoy and please check out my other quizzes an trivia's of mine and my friends!The average 2nd grader would get at least 2 or 3 correct, if you got less than 3 you are not as smart. if you got 3 or more right, you are smarter!if you got 2 or 3 you are as smart!
3rd Graders Will Get 10/10 In This Test. What Will Be Your Score?
Research shows that 94% of gifted 3rd graders can Identify these 10 countries by their shape. Can you?
Do You Actually Know The Phonetic Spelling Of Everyday Words?
These might not be as easy as you thought they were.
Can You Identify These 15 Close-up Photos of Wildlife?
If you know your animals, this quiz should be easy!
Can You Find The Black Diamond We Hid In Each Of These Picasso Paintings?
If you can find the black diamond we hid in each of these Cubist masterpieces, you probably have perfect vision and a great eye for art! Test yourself here!
How well do you know the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World?
Can you name the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Two thirds of us certainly can't, according to a survey. Put your knowledge to the test and find out a fascinating fact or two in our quiz…
#Geography #Culture #History #knowledge
Are These Incredibly Adorable Animals Endangered?
Every year, more and more special animals become instinct. Can you figure out which are endangered and which aren't?